Diet with lactose intolerance

Lactose may not be absorbed by the body due to disturbance of the metabolic processes. Such a problem can cause a number of serious consequences. In order not to interfere with them, a person suffering from lactose intolerance should think through his menu and make a correct diet.

Diet for acute lactose intolerance

If a person suffers from acute intolerance to milk sugar, then he should exclude completely from his menu products that even in small amounts contain this component. These include sour-milk products, bread and bakery products, cocoa, biscuits, confectionery products that include a cream of condensed milk and cream. It is also worth giving up lactose-containing medicines. However, the overwhelming majority simply need to exclude milk and products made on its basis.

Further we will understand, that it is possible to use according to a diet to those who suffers an allergy on lactose, and than to replace dairy production. So, with partial lactose intolerance, you should include in your menu fish and all kinds of sea gifts, fruits , nuts, vegetables, cereals, legumes, meat.

A lactose-free diet allows the use of milk made from soy, almonds or rice. These are products that can replace the product of animal origin. But doctors still do not recommend completely abandoning dairy products, because its lack can lead to serious problems. To lactose assimilated, before using dairy products should take a pill lactase.

Diet without gluten and lactose

Some people suffer not only lactose intolerance, but also gluten . It is a protein that represents a complex structure found in most cereal crops. The loss of the ability to absorb these components is called lactose deficiency. With this disease should be excluded meat canned food, bread, pasta, flour products, milk, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, cereals, milk and dairy products.