Diet with intestinal infection

Intestinal infections in terms of prevalence are second only to acute respiratory infections. Moreover, the peak of intestinal infections always occurs in the summer - an abundance of fruits and vegetables, often not washed, as well as dirty hands and bathing in natural reservoirs. The second wave of intestinal ailments, to everyone's surprise - winter. In winter they are called "intestinal flu", because often vomiting and diarrhea is the body's reaction to ARI.

In any case, intestinal infections - this is a very extensive category of completely different diseases, the causative agents of which can be and viruses, bacteria, and even protozoa. The result is always the same - diarrhea.

Treatment of intestinal infections

In addition to taking medications (sorbents, enterosgel), you can improve the condition of the patient with intestinal infection with a diet. In this case, if the patient refuses food - it is not necessary to force him, but it is also not recommended to starve with hunger.

Important elements of a diet for acute intestinal infection are copious drinking. Diarrhea and vomiting lead to dehydration of the body, and this can not be tolerated. Water - this is exactly what you need to let forcibly, but pour into the sick.

As for food, portions should be small, frequent, easily digestible. During the diet with intestinal infection of both adults and children, the use of foods slowing the bowel motility is recommended, first of all, the substance of tannin, contained in blueberries, bird cherry, strong tea. Products should be viscous consistency - mucous soups, mashed porridges , kissels.

Bread - only in the form of biscuits. Dishes should be steamed, meat and fish are allowed, but only low-fat varieties.

Vegetables and fruits should be thermally treated, in no way, raw. Only bananas are allowed from unprocessed foods.

In this case, the patient's menu should not contain new, previously not consumed products.