Porridge for weight loss

Our ancestors knowingly used the simplest food, perhaps, because of this, they did not suffer from problems with digestion. In the inheritance from them we got numerous porridges, which will not only become a delicious side dish, but also like your stomach. Diets based on cereals have become widespread among adherents of a healthy diet. Which cereals are the most recommended for weight loss?

Useful porridge for weight loss

The preference for cereals is due to the considerable benefit and richness of such food. Regardless of the type of cereal, porridge has a number of useful properties, among them:

Croups contain insignificant calories, and even those that go to energy production, and not are stored at the waist. This explains the popularity of porridge for weight loss as a diet for numerous diets.

Dietary diet pills

Among the variety of cereals is difficult not to get confused. What kind of porridge for weight loss to choose?

Buckwheat porridge takes the top line in the ranking of dietary side dishes. Buckwheat - just a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. Among them, iron, which makes the croup useful in anemia, B vitamins, PP, as well as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, rutin, bromine. Even a mono-diet, based on the consumption of buckwheat porridge alone, is very useful because of the richness of the composition of the cereals.

By the way, buckwheat is useful to people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers. However, the key to success in this case lies in the correct preparation of buckwheat.

Recipe for regular buckwheat



In order for the groats to leave with them all the useful properties, it is soaked overnight with hot water and in the morning the porridge will be ready. Instead of salt, it is preferable to use soy sauce.

Cereal cereals for weight loss occupy an important place in proper nutrition. Among them, the most valuable is the oatmeal that we have known since childhood. Knowingly it is fed by children, because it contains the most balanced composition of vitamins, microelements, which help the body to activate metabolic processes, improve blood circulation. Oatmeal for breakfast will ensure excellent health and protect the intestines for the whole day, because in oatmeal flakes contains valuable fiber.

By the way, oatmeal is extremely useful for people with high blood pressure. To obtain the most valuable cereal, it is recommended to prepare it as follows.

The recipe for regular oatmeal



Flakes pour a liter of water and cook until the water boils to half. After that you need to cool the porridge and drain the remaining water.

Another valuable barley is considered to be pearl barley. Like other cereals, it helps in cleaning the intestine of toxins, in addition, swelling in the stomach, it causes a rapid sense of satiety. Perlovka is rich in vitamin B, fiber, amino acids, among which lysine - improving the structure of the skin, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and practically all useful microelements.

By the way, the pearl barley is very useful for gastritis with high acidity, as it has an enveloping effect, besides this, the porridge also cleans the blood.

The recipe for the correct pearl barley



Pearl barley cooks extremely long, and its volume increases when cooking 5 times. Therefore, it is recommended to soak the pearl barley in water at room temperature in the evening, and in the morning to start cooking porridge.

The most useful porridge for weight loss is, of course, uncleaned, more precisely - not polished. In the shell of the cereal grain contains a lot of trace elements, which are lost during processing. However, if you are still wondering - "what cereals are for weight loss", you can safely answer - "any". After all, porridges are the most valuable side dish, and, whatever grain you choose, the stomach will thank you.