What is the difference between green tea and black tea?

What green tea differs from black tea is a question that occupies the minds of many inveterate tea lovers. After all, according to widespread public opinion, the green variety is more useful. However, nutrition specialists have their own point of view.

What is the difference between green tea and black tea?

First of all, the difference between the two most common types of tea lies in the way of production and flavor characteristics. Leaves for them are collected from shrub plants of the same species, but they process the raw material in different ways. For green tea use steamed leaves, dried in a special way, they retain most of the valuable natural substances. In the production of black tea varieties, the leaves are kneaded and left for a while for natural fermentation, thanks to which the product also acquires its dark color, characteristic aroma and taste.

Which tea is better in terms of utility, black or green?

Nutritionists are not unambiguous estimates of either one or the other drink, noting that each of them has its own unique properties. Green tea is able to neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals on cells, which helps slow the aging process and reduces the risk of cancer. In addition, it lowers the level of cholesterol , makes the vessels more elastic, helps to cope with stressful situations, increasing the stability of the nervous system. Black tea varieties are a natural energetic, increase tone and efficiency, stimulate brain activity, contribute to the prevention of heart attacks and strokes .

Which tea increases the pressure, black or green?

If you are experiencing problems with high blood pressure, then you should prefer green tea. If, on the contrary, you are a hypotonic, then you should turn to black tea.