How to restore the menstrual cycle?

The most common problem with which a woman meets at least once in a lifetime is a malfunction of the menstrual cycle. It occurs for various reasons, and can indicate both small deviations from the norm in the work of the entire reproductive system, and about serious diseases.

The duration of a normal cycle is individual for each woman and the difference in indices is from 21 to 35 days, but for the majority of patients it is 28 days. To understand that the graph has failed , do not need special knowledge. The woman herself can see that the monthly began to come more often, or vice versa, regular delays occur.

In order to return the cycle back to normal, doctor's consultation is necessary, he will conduct additional examinations, on the basis of which he will prescribe the treatment. It may include hormonal drugs to restore the menstrual cycle, or it will be sufficient to use herbal medicine.

Tablets and drops to restore the menstrual cycle

Depending on the type of hormonal failure that occurred in the woman's body, a certain type of medication is prescribed. They can have a tablet form, or be in droplets.

Hormonal medications, which are also contraceptive, are available in the form of tablets that need to be consumed at certain times of the day for a month with a break of 7 days, when menstruation occurs. These include Jeanine, Liane 35, Yarina and others. In parallel with this treatment, vitamin therapy and improvement of the quality of life are necessary - full sleep and rest, proper nutrition, physical activity and good mood. Vitamins for the recovery of the menstrual cycle are taken by courses over a period of six months. In the first phase of the cycle it is group B, and in the second phase - A, C, E and D.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle with folk remedies

Before you restore the menstrual cycle, you need to know exactly the cause of the malfunction in the body, and on this basis, to take treatment. There are a variety of herbal preparations, depending on the type of imbalance - from the delay to the complete absence of menstrual bleeding.

Herbs for the restoration of the menstrual cycle are the red brush, the boron uterus, the yarrow, the crochet, nettle, birch, valerian and many others. Their various combinations help the female body cope with the problem.

On the basis of natural components, there are some pharmacy products that are widely used in gynecological practice to treat malfunctions of the menstrual cycle. This Cyclodinon, Remens, Utrozhestan, Ovarium, Compositum, and some others.