Hormonal failure after taking contraceptives

It has long been no secret that taking hormonal contraceptives can have a whole list of negative consequences. Pathological abnormalities occur both directly during the administration and after the drug is discontinued.

The most common problem that women face after taking long-term contraceptive pills is a hormonal failure.

Hormonal failure after cancellation of contraceptive

Hormonal failure after the abolition of contraceptives is a fully understandable phenomenon, which is most often associated with the natural processes of restructuring the body.

Usually, one month to one year is required to restore the hormonal malfunction caused by discontinuation of contraceptive use. This period does not exclude the possibility of pregnancy, and may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Delay or, on the contrary, too frequent menstrual bleeding. These disorders are caused by the absence of hormones from the outside. If the cycle does not recover for a sufficiently long time, you need to see a doctor, in order to establish a more accurate reason for what is happening. Pregnancy is also possible.
  2. In addition to reproductive stress, the nervous system is also exposed. Often, women after the abolition of oral contraceptives become more irritable, note mood swings, complain of poor health.
  3. If before the beginning of reception of contraceptives the woman had a problem skin with presence of comedones and acne , and also fat hair, most likely, all these unpleasant moments will return to her again.
  4. The beginning of active ovarian activity in some cases is accompanied by painful sensations in the abdomen.

Hormonal failure with contraceptive

As a rule, hormonal failures do not occur with the correct and constant intake of the contraceptive pills. Except for the first 2-3 months after the beginning of the reception, because during this time the female body gets used to the new mode of work.