Removal of fibroadenoma of the mammary gland

Fibroadenoma is a common disease, which is a benign tumor in the mammary gland. In 95% of cases of a benign tumor it is fibroadenoma of the mammary gland .

Fibroadenoma is rounded, localized in the thickness of the breast tissue, and sometimes directly under the skin. Most often this benign formation occurs in women of childbearing age, that is, in the period of 15-40 years. It is the result of hormonal disorders.

Usually, the fibroadenoma in the form of a seal in the mammary gland is detected by the woman herself at the time of her chest feeling or during the ultrasound examination. To clarify the diagnosis, you can use additional blood tests for hormones, as well as with fine needle biopsy.

Treatment of a tumor without surgery is almost impossible, so in most cases with this diagnosis a woman is shown surgical intervention.

Removal of a breast tumor

Removal of fibroadenoma of the breast is performed in several ways, depending on the neglect of the process. If there is no suspicion of breast cancer, enucleation (vyluschivanie), that is, only the tumor itself is removed.

Another option is sectoral resection. That is - removal of the adenoma of the mammary gland within the healthy tissue. This does not lead to deformation and asymmetry of the mammary gland. Such an operation is performed under general anesthesia, the tumor is removed through small cosmetic incisions. Scars after surgery are minimal and almost invisible. After removal of the fibroadenoma of the breast, the woman stays in the hospital for another 2-3 days, the postoperative period is practically painless.

Innovative removal of a benign breast tumor

A modern neurosurgical method for removing a tumor is a vacuum aspiration biopsy. In this case, the removal of fibroadenoma is done through a small skin puncture with the help of special equipment manufactured in the USA.

Such treatment is made out-patient, and the cosmetic effect from it is maximal. The total time of the procedure is about 5 hours. This includes postoperative monitoring of the patient. And after 2 hours she can go home.

Advantages of this method are low traumatism, absence of scars, no need for inpatient treatment, local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia.