Prolactin - the norm in women by age, the table and the reasons for the deviations

Prolactin is one of the most important hormones in the female body. From the fact, in what concentration it is developed, whether its content corresponds to normal criteria, many physiological processes depend. Let's consider more in detail, what is responsible for prolactin, the norm in women by age (table), which is indicated by deviations from the norm.

What is prolactin responsible for?

This hormone, belonging to the family of prolactin-like proteins, is produced by the brain - in the anterior zone of the pituitary gland. In addition, in part in its synthesis involved other organs: mammary glands, placenta, nervous system, immune system. In the bloodstream, prolactin circulates in various forms, differing in molecular weight. A greater percentage is due to the amount of prolactin with a low molecular weight, which is highly active.

Biological functions of prolactin are counted by hundreds of different mechanisms and actions. Let's list its main tasks in the female body:

Prolactin analysis

In the course of standard blood tests this hormone is not determined, so many people have a question when to take Prolactin. Often, the direction to such a study is given by a gynecologist-endocrinologist in the presence of complaints, which can be associated with a violation of the synthesis of the biologically active substance under consideration. So, often the blood is given for prolactin in case of a cycle, abnormal discharge from the nipples, a long absence of conception, growth of hairs on the face, skin problems, etc.

To get the most reliable result, you should not only take into account on what day of the cycle to give prolactin, but observe some other rules and perform preparatory procedures. The main rules for the analysis of this hormone are as follows:

Due to the increased sensitivity of the level of this hormone to many external and internal influences, in order to avoid erroneous indicators, many experts recommend donating blood for study three times at monthly intervals. The results become known within one day, and the doctor should interpret the indications and make the diagnosis.

Prolactin - the norm in women (table)

The normal concentration of prolactin in the bloodstream varies depending on the age, the amount of estrogen produced, the pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, etc. To make it more convenient to interpret the result of the hormone prolactin content in women, a table with the norm by age clearly recreates the values ​​for orientation.

Age period

Normal result, md / l



up to 1 year


1-10 years


11-16 years old


16-45 years (reproductive age)


45 and more (menopause)


As can be seen from the table, according to the level of the hormone prolactin, the norm in women is the same in age after puberty and before the menopause. It should be borne in mind that daily fluctuations are permissible, depending on sleep, food intake, stress, sexual acts, temperature effects, etc. In addition, the synthesis of this substance is not the same in different phases of the menstrual cycle. This takes into account the rules of preparation for analysis.

Prolactin in pregnancy is normal

Prolactin, the rate at which the women when bearing a child changes due to numerous physiological processes in the body, begins to gradually increase already in the first trimester and remains elevated until delivery (only a few days before birth, slightly decreases). In this case, the following table is applicable, where the norm of prolactin in women is reflected not by age, but by the period of pregnancy.

Term of bearing a fetus

Normal result, md / l

8-12 weeks


13-27 weeks


since 28 weeks


Analysis of prolactin in pregnancy is very rarely prescribed, and many experts consider it to be of little informative, in view of the large discrepancy between normal results. If such a need arises, then as a norm they are guided by the value of 10000 mU / l, which should not be exceeded, if everything in the body of a woman and a future baby is proceeding well.

Prolactinum at a lactemia - norm or rate

After delivery, the level of prolactin depends on the type of breastfeeding. In the case when there is artificial feeding without applying to the breast, gradually the amount of this hormone is set at a level of 400-600 mU / l. If a woman is breastfeeding, the more often the baby sucks, the higher the level. The following table will tell you the average amount of the hormone prolactin (the norm, depending on the period of feeding).

Lactation period

Normal result, md / l

first 6 months


7-12 months


from 12 months


Prolactin in menopause is normal in women

After the complete cessation of menstruation, when a large-scale hormonal reorganization occurs in the female body, the level of prolactin, like many other hormones, begins to decrease. On average, its values ​​in this age range range from 25 to 400 mU / L (data contains a table - prolactin, the norm in women by age). Each year these values ​​are steadily declining.

Hyperprolactinemia in women - what is it?

If the analysis shows that prolactin is elevated in a woman, while she is not pregnant, does not breast-feed, all blood collection conditions are met (ie, physiological factors for increasing its synthesis are not observed), one should look for the cause in pathology. This condition is called hyperprolactinemia and in many cases needs to be adjusted.

Causes of increased prolactin

High prolactin can be caused by three groups of causes:

1. Organic:

2. Functional:

3. Pharmacological - taking drugs:

Hyperprolactinaemia in women - symptoms

The increase in prolactin is often accompanied by the following clinical manifestations:

Hyperprolactinemia in women - treatment

If the results of a blood test establish hyperprolactinemia in women, while there are any unhealthy manifestations, to identify provoking pathologies, additional diagnostic procedures are recommended, among which:

Treatment depends on the detected abnormalities. In the case of detection of neoplasms of the brain, surgical treatment, often combined with radiotherapy, can be prescribed. In other cases, the main treatment methods are medicinal, aimed at eliminating the root cause. In addition, directly to reduce the concentration of this hormone, dopaminomimetic drugs (Bromocriptine, Kabergolin, etc.) can be prescribed.

Reduced prolactin

Low prolactin is less common, and the most common causes are as follows: