Duphaston in pregnancy - support in the early stages of bearing a baby

Such a drug, as Duphaston, during pregnancy is often prescribed. He refers to a group of hormonal drugs that contribute to the maintenance of the gestation process. Consider the drug in detail, identify the indications for its use, we will dwell on the features of the application, find out how to drink Dufaston during pregnancy.

What is Dufaston used for in pregnancy?

Not all women waiting for the baby's appearance know why Duphaston is prescribed for pregnant women, and they address this question to the doctor. Doctors say that this medicine is a synthetic analog of progesterone. The drug is based on dydrogesterone, which in structure and properties is completely similar to the hormone that is synthesized in the female body.

The drug can be administered both at the stage of pregnancy planning , and after its onset, on a short term. Its active ingredient prepares the endometrium for subsequent implantation - insertion of the fetal egg into the uterine wall. Immediately from this moment begins gestation. Doctors, appointing Dufaston during pregnancy, pursue the following goals:

Dufaston in early pregnancy

Often, Duphaston during pregnancy, in her early days, is prescribed to women who have had problems in the past with the carrying of a child. A common disorder is habitual miscarriage. About this violation, doctors say if 2 or more pregnancies were interrupted at the very beginning. At the same time they did not exceed 12 weeks. Duphaston with the onset of pregnancy reduces the likelihood of this complication and helps to bear the child.

How to take Dufaston during pregnancy?

Before taking Dufaston, pregnant women need to see a doctor. He directly knows the peculiarities of this gestation, analyzes the anamnesis of the future mother. On the basis of the data obtained, an individual course of therapy is prepared - the dosage, multiplicity and duration of use of the medicinal product is established. In most cases, the drug is taken from 6-7 weeks of pregnancy.

Duphaston's dose in pregnancy

It is worth noting that the drug is often prescribed before the onset of conception, at the stage of pregnancy planning. In order to stabilize the work of the hormonal system, a woman going to become a mother, takes Dufaston for 6 cycles. Drink it from 11 to 25 days (with a menstrual cycle in 28 days). It is possible and another scheme of reception, which is developed by the attending physician individually.

After conception, the expectant mother continues to drink Dufaston during pregnancy. A sharp, one-stage cancellation of the drug is impossible - reducing the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the bloodstream can provoke miscarriage . As for dosage, then its classical variant in this period is 1 tablet 2 times a day (20 mg per day).

How much does Dufaston drink during pregnancy?

Reception Dufastona at pregnancy always should be co-ordinated with the doctor. Directly it indicates not only the specific dosage, but also the duration of the drug intake. It depends on the degree of violation and severity of it. If we talk about the approximate time of drug withdrawal, then it happens by the 20th week of gestation. Individual pregnant women stop taking the medication at week 16, as directed by the doctor.

To determine whether to cancel the drug or continue taking it, doctors prescribe a laboratory test. It establishes the exact concentration of the hormone progesterone in the bloodstream of a future mother. Immediately the results of the analysis determine the further algorithm of the actions of the attending physician. In this case, the pregnant woman must follow the medical instructions.

Dufaston - side effects of pregnancy

The use of Dufaston in pregnancy is associated with the possibility of developing side effects. The likelihood of their development is increased when the dosages indicated by the doctor are not observed, the frequency and duration of use of the drug. Among the common side effects when using the drug:

If one of the above violations occurs, you should contact the doctor. This phenomenon should be a reason to revise the dosage or frequency of use of the drug. In extreme cases, a replacement for a similar drug. With caution use the drug in those cases where previously conducted a course of estrogen therapy (use of oral contraceptives including). Simultaneous reception of estrogens and progesterone increases the risk of thrombosis.

Contraindications Duphaston in pregnancy

Even with indications for use, Dufaston tablets during pregnancy can not be used by all future mothers. Because of this, before prescribing the drug, the doctor should carefully analyze the history of the pregnant woman, exclude certain diseases. Among them are:

How can I cancel Duphaston during pregnancy?

The abolition of Dufaston during pregnancy should be gradual. The scheme is made individually, and depends on the dosage taken by the pregnant woman. Each day, it is reduced by 0.5-1 tablet. For example, if by appointment of the doctor the future mother took 3 tablets of medicine daily, then every subsequent day the dose is reduced by 1-0.5 tablets. So finally stop taking the medication after 3-6 days. Observance of the withdrawal scheme established by the doctor excludes the possibility of a sharp decrease in the concentration of progesterone in the blood.