Ginger in pregnancy

For thousands of years, ginger is used not only as an indispensable seasoning, but also as a broad-spectrum medicine. The beneficial effect of ginger on the body is now recognized as official medicine, and recipes using the miracle root can be found on any medical site. That is why the question of the benefits and harms of ginger for pregnant women is so popular among expectant mothers.

How useful is ginger to pregnant women?

Traditional medicine is not in vain refers to this unremarkable, at first sight, root with respect. Ginger is rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, C, niacin PP) and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc), amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is this unique combination of nutrients that makes ginger irreplaceable for the prevention and treatment of many ailments.

At least two dozen beneficial properties of the medicinal root are known, however, during pregnancy, ginger is especially valuable in that it helps to cope with toxicosis. Prepare ginger tea (50 g freshly peeled root pour boiling water and insist 10 minutes) or suck a piece of ginger, and you forget about morning sickness and vomiting.

Another important property of ginger root during pregnancy is the ability to calm the nervous system no worse than valerian or motherwort. In addition, it relieves headache and dizziness, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, has a lax effect and improves overall health.

Eating ginger during pregnancy can be either fresh, or pickled, candied, dried or capsules. Many people like to add spiciness to drinks, first and second dishes, and also to pastries. The main thing - do not overdo it.

Ginger for cold and flu in pregnancy

In addition, ginger is also an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of colds and flu during pregnancy. In the autumn-winter period, chew regularly the fresh root, and even at the height of the epidemic you will feel fine.

With a cold and cough, 7-10 minute inhalations with essential oil of ginger (1-2 drops) are useful. With a wet cough help to cope hot milk with dried ginger: for 200 ml of milk 1/3 teaspoon ground ginger and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. With dry cough and bronchitis mix fresh ginger juice (100 g of root grate and wring) and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Add 4 drops in warm milk or tea.

Who is contraindicated with ginger?

Despite its uniqueness ginger is not always useful for pregnant women, and with an overdose it threatens with such unpleasant consequences as heartburn, diarrhea, digestion and irritation of the skin and mucous membranes of the mouth. In addition, this spice helps reduce the uterus, dilutes the blood, raises blood pressure, has a choleretic property.

The ginger root is contraindicated in pregnancy in the following cases:

Attention! Lovers of pickled ginger will have to give up this delicacy in the late stages of pregnancy: it not only provokes premature labor, but also helps to retain fluid in the body, which can lead to increased pressure and swelling.

An unequivocal answer to the question, whether it is possible to use ginger pregnant, unfortunately not. If you are not sure of your health, it is best to consult a doctor. And remember: even the most innocuous medicine with excessive use can lead to sad consequences.