Pregnancy Week 21 - development of the fetus

The twenty-first week of pregnancy is characterized by a slowdown in fetal growth. Starting from this period, his height will be measured from the crown to heels, whereas before it was done from the crown to the tailbone. Now it weighs about 380 grams and has a height of about 26.7 cm. These are averaged data, and they can vary slightly depending on individual factors. The legs of the child are lengthened, and his body takes the proper proportions. Fetal movements at 21 weeks become more tangible, and they can be felt not only by mom, but also by relatives.

By this period the child has already formed eyelashes, eyebrows. He can blink. If the fetus has a male gender, the testicles have already passed, and in a few weeks they will descend from the pelvic cavity into the scrotum.

Beginning with the 21st week of fetal development, he can already hear you. You can read books to him or include quiet music. This way you will shape your child's musical preferences. The fetus in the 21st week of pregnancy begins to feel the taste of foods eaten by mom. This occurs by swallowing amniotic fluid . Thus, from now on you can form the taste preferences of the baby.

Norm of fetal anatomy at week 21

Development of the fetus at 20-21 weeks is examined by ultrasound. The parameters of the fetus at week 21 allow him to move freely inside his mother and can be fully seen. At this stage of development it is important to determine the parameters of fetal heart rate, locomotor activity, biparental size, hip length, abdominal circumference, chest diameter, presence and development of brain structures.

The fetometry of the fetus at week 21 should normally have the following indicators:

During this period, the anatomy of the fetus is determined, the presence of internal organs, the structure of the face and skeleton. Now he looks thin, and his main task is to develop muscles and accumulate fat. To do this, the expectant mother must fully eat.