The root of elecampane is useful properties and contraindications

Devyasil high - a common herbaceous plant, which can often be found on forest edges, rivers, on fields and meadows. It can be easily recognized by bright yellow flowers with a large middle and long thin petals, which bloom from about the middle of summer. Healing properties of this plant, mainly concentrated in its underground part, are recognized not only folk, but also traditional medicine. Moreover, on the basis of the raw material of elecampane, medicinal preparations are prepared in tablet form. Let us consider in more detail what are the useful properties and contraindications of the root of elecampane.

Composition and medicinal properties of the root of elecampane

The chemical composition of the underground part of the plant under consideration is represented by the following substances:

Such a set of components provides a fairly wide range of useful properties of the roots of elecampane, the main of which are:

The root of the elecampane, from which medical products are prepared for internal and external use (infusions, decoctions, ointments, etc.) can be used to treat the following pathologies:

Contraindications to the use of root elecampane

Despite the abundance of medicinal properties of the root of elecampane, there are many contraindications to it. To refuse treatment by means on its basis follows at:

Also, the treatment of the root of elecampane should be postponed on the days of menstruation.

Harvesting the root of elecampane

The roots of elecampane are recommended to be harvested between August and September or early spring. Dug roots should be thoroughly shaken off the ground, rinsed in cold water, cut into pieces about 10 cm long. Dry the raw materials for several days in the open air, then - in the heat (in a dryer, oven).