How to feed a German shepherd?

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular breeds of dogs. It is large enough, very hardy, it can adapt well to various conditions of life, but for proper development the German shepherd must have proper nutrition. Let's find out what is the best way to feed a German shepherd?

Once you have a German Shepherd puppy, you need to decide what kind of feed you will feed it-natural or ready-made. And here the ideal is only the food that is right for your dog. And, if you chose one type of food, then it should not be changed: the food should be balanced. For feeding you should have two large bowls - one for feed, the other for fresh water.

In order to avoid a curl of the stomach, the German shepherd must be fed only twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, and necessarily after a walk. If the animal does not want to eat food, the bowl of food must be cleaned after 10-15 minutes and not given until the next feeding.

The German Shepherd is an extremely intelligent animal with a strong character , so you must constantly remind her who is the master of the house, and dictate to her your living conditions, rather than adjusting to the dog.

What should I feed an adult German shepherd?

The most important component in the diet of the German shepherd are proteins that are found in meat, fish, eggs, dairy products. They affect the correct structure and growth of the dog's body. In addition, in the diet of the dog must be present carbohydrates, which supply the animal with energy - it is cereals and bakery products. Fats will contribute to the accumulation of energy, so the diet should include butter and vegetable oils. And, of course, vitamins, and various microelements that support the proper functioning of the body of the dog. They are found in vegetables, fruits, cereals.

How can you not feed a German shepherd?

For feeding a German Shepherd absolutely does not fit the food and various goodies from our table: salt, sugar, salami and cervelat can ruin the health of your pet. A shepherd's puppy should not be given a bone until the moment when his teeth are completely formed. And bird bones are generally forbidden to shepherds at any age. Spices, spices and fragrances may be the reason that the dog has lost the sense of smell. The German shepherd's organism does not perceive lamb and pork badly, therefore it is better to exclude these kinds of meat from the dog's diet. Milk should be given to the puppy until about four months of age. But sour-milk products are useful for a shepherd.

The rate of feeding directly depends on the physical activity of sheep dogs. If your pet is normally well-nourished and has well-developed muscles, then it feeds properly.