Left forefinger of the left hand

The usual numbness, when the sensitivity of the fingers disappears and at the same time slightly tingles in the pads, probably experienced each of us. It passes quickly enough and does not cause any special discomfort - just a nervous ending was simply transmitted. But if for no apparent reason the index finger on the left hand grows numb, and this is not felt repeatedly, it is worthwhile to understand why this is happening.

How is the numbness of the index finger of the left arm?

As a rule, this phenomenon begins to appear after 20-30 years and mainly in women. Most often, the tip of the index finger on the left hand dies. Sensations are not very pleasant - pain, tingling in the finger pad, a feeling of creeping crawling, paresthesia, the finger seems to rustle.

When is the numbness of the index finger of the left arm?

Symptoms of numbness appear more often:

The causes of numbness of the index finger on the left hand

Numbness does not happen without a reason, even if nothing happens by sensation. If the finger has lost sensitivity for no reason - this is a symptom of a neglected disease. Let's consider, what can be the reasons of a numbness of an index finger of the left hand is, as a rule, diseases of nervous system, problems with a backbone or disturbances of a circulation in an organism:

If you develop signs of a pathological numbness, immediately consult a doctor, otherwise the following stages may occur:

Treatment with numbness of the index finger of the left hand

Treatment can begin after the doctor determines the cause of numbness. For this, it is necessary to carry out an MRI of the spine in the neck region. With results to address to the doctor-vertebrologu. Since the causes of numbness are different, treatment is assigned individually. General therapy consists in the appointment of such procedures: