Duodenitis - symptoms

Duodenitis is a very common disease of the duodenum, consisting in the defeat of its mucous membrane. Like many other diseases, duodenitis can be acute and chronic. Symptoms of acute duodenitis almost completely disappear after a short treatment. And here the chronic disease generates numerous inflammation foci and can give complications.

Causes of the disease

Especially often the cause of duodenitis occurs in childhood either because of a weak hormonal apparatus of the duodenum, or because of its incorrect location. Also the bacterium, which generates gastritis, often becomes the cause. But this does not mean that you can get sick only in childhood, this risk remains at any age. A contributing to this use of alcohol, smoking, too hot or rough food, spontaneous intake of it, nervous disorders.

Varieties of duodenitis can be set depending on the characteristics of inflammation of the duodenum, origin, localization, the degree of structural changes, etc. Acute and most common is erosive duodenitis, which occurs with the appearance of small ulcers - erosions in the diseased part of the mucosa. Symptoms of erosive duodenitis are deaf pain, raspiranie.

Also, this group includes catarrhal and phlegmonous duodenitis, they are accompanied by the same uncomfortable sensations.

Chronic varieties of the disease include proximal, follicular, reactive duodenitis.

The disease can also be primary and secondary.

General symptoms


Depending on the form - acute or chronic - the doctor chooses the treatment of duodenitis, which is carried out in the hospital. Symptoms of acute duodenitis, most often, go away quickly if the correct regimen is observed: when the disease needs rest for several days and starvation. In the future, when duodenitis shows a diet : complete elimination of acute, roasted, salty, rejection of carbohydrates, switching to 4-5 meals a day, including paired vegetables, mucous soups and kissels. A couple of weeks allowed to enter the menu stew and fish.

Duodenitis of the stomach can be cured and folk remedies. For example, a decoction of golden yolk and fennel helps a lot:

  1. 1-2 spoons of the one and the other grass should be filled with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Boil on a water bath, cool and drink 1 glass a day. You can divide the use of the medicine into several receptions

Also fight against this disease will help sea buckthorn oil. It should be taken at 1 tbsp. spoon on an empty stomach for 1-2 months.

Flaxseed, spearmint, mint, and other herbs will relieve inflammation and heal wounds and abscesses, soothe the mucous.

But in no case should you refuse to take medication if it is prescribed by a doctor.

As you know, the disease is easier to prevent than the long and expensive to treat it. Therefore, try to monitor your diet - eat plenty of fiber, avoid products that burn and irritate the mucous, refuse as much as possible from alcohol and cigarettes. Such recommendations will help not only not to become ill with duodenitis, but also reduce the risk of other unpleasant diseases and increase their immunity.