Why 13 is an unlucky number?

There are a lot of superstitions in our life, but, perhaps, the most common of them is the fatal number 13, which many consider to bring troubles. There are various confirmations to this. For example, in some aircraft there is no 13th row of seats, because often passengers refused to occupy these seats. Also there are hotels where there is no 13th number or 13th floor. And, of course, important cases often prefer to be postponed if they fall on this number. A particularly unfavorable day is Friday the 13th.

Possible causes of superstition

Explanations of why the number 13 is unlucky can be found in biblical subjects. For example, it is believed that Adam and Eve succumbed to the temptation and ate the apple just on the 13th. In addition, Abel's death occurred on Friday the 13th, and on the same day Jesus was crucified. Finally, at the table in the Last Supper were 13 people - Jesus himself and his 12 apostles. In this regard, some believe that if the table is going to 13 people, then one of them during the year will suffer a terrible fate.

However, the "devil's dozen" was not always considered a bad number. The Aztecs and Mayans considered it favorable, there were 13 months in their calendar, and in the week they had the same number of days. Moreover, many consider this figure to be completely harmless.

  1. The Bible describes the 13 qualities of God.
  2. In Kabbalah there are 13 blessings that a sinless person will find in paradise.
  3. In some countries, there are special "Clubs of thirteen". For 13 participants every 13th number is collected, and nothing terrible has happened to them yet.

Thus, there is no concrete explanation of why 13 is an unlucky number. It is generally accepted that there are more troubles at this date, but if you analyze this assumption, it will turn out to be wrong. It's just that in connection with superstitions, bad events that occurred on the 13th are attracting more attention than unfavorable things that happen on other days. If you are being pursued by the number 13 , you should not worry about it very much - these are just trivial coincidences that should not scare
