Синичка has flown in a window - a sign

If the little bitch has flown through the window, then this is a good sign, at least, that's what all popular beliefs say. The tweet of this bird attracts luck, wealth , happiness and health, so hearing her singing, a person can count on the fact that soon in his life there will be changes for the better.

In the window, a little blue-eyed bug - what does this mean and what to expect?

  1. This event may mean that you are waiting for happy news, and you will receive them very soon.
  2. If the bird has flown into the apartment, where there is a sick person, then in the near future his state of health will become much better, the illness will recede and a period of recovery will begin.
  3. In the event that the blue-eyed virgin has flown into the window of the children's room and flew out, the parents can be sure that their baby is guarded by higher forces. Perhaps they are dead blood relatives or guardian angels , in any case, the child is protected and one can not worry that he is in danger, sickness or failure.
  4. If the bird has visited the bedroom, then perhaps close people who have already gone to another world want to visit them, remind themselves of themselves. Go to church, put a candle or visit a cemetery, such signals can not be ignored, otherwise you can lose support or protection of your deceased ancestors.
  5. If the bird has flown shortly after the funeral of one of the family members, the deceased person tries to tell you about what is good in the next world, and he wants to comfort you, reduce your grief. In this situation, you should stop crying and remember that the soul is immortal, which means that sooner or later you will meet with your relative or friend again.
  6. According to the note, if the titmouse has flown through the window, then the bird can not be thrown out, otherwise you can offend the higher forces. It is better to pour the water into the saucer, open the sash wider, the bird will fly out when the time comes. If the titmouse does not fly away for a long time, then try to direct it as gently as possible to the window, leave it in the house, birds should not live in captivity, but it is not worthwhile to address rudely with the living being.
  7. When the little cyan has flown through the window at work, you can safely expect that in the near future you are waiting for a salary increase, a bonus or career growth. You can get an unexpected business proposal, which you have long dreamed of, or take the lead of a new, interesting or promising project. The main thing to remember is that after receiving a proposal or a prize, try and bring someone some joy by doing a good deed, you will thank the higher forces for good luck, and then happy events will happen in your life more than once.

Синичка has flown in a window - what to do, according to signs?

Regardless of whether a bird has flown into the apartment or office, the most correct thing is to try to carefully escort her to the street.

  1. If the titmouse does not want to fly away, crush the bread on the sill, the food will draw the bird and she will take a bite and leave the room.
  2. Folk beliefs warn that you should not offend tits, so you can incur misfortunes, so try not to expel it with a towel. So you will only frighten a small and defenseless living being, and it will hammer into some corner where it will not be easy to drive it out.
  3. And certainly, do not try to get the bird out by intimidating her with a cat or a dog; on the contrary, you need to remove pets from the room, they can cause trauma or even kill it.

Carefully and with kindness regarding a living being, you show the higher forces that you are ready not only to take, but to give, and therefore they will thank you for it.