Swallows fly high in the sky - a sign

Signs associated with swallows, appeared in those days when these birds began to settle next to a person, that is, in ancient times. One of the oldest signs: swallows fly high in the sky - to clear weather. By the way, this sign is the most famous and widely used in determining the upcoming weather. However, usually the behavior of these birds is paid attention when they fly low over the earth, predicting a change in the weather, usually for the worse.

If swallows fly high in the sky, a sign helps to understand that in the near future one should expect good weather. When they descend below, this is evidence that soon it will be necessary to wait for rain. This behavior of birds is based on the peculiarities of their nutrition: the main food for swallows is flying midge, which before the rain, when the atmospheric pressure falls, descend lower to the ground. As a result, birds fall lower. Thus, the sign gives an answer to the question, if the swallows fly high, what it is for.

Other signs of swallows

A number of other signs are associated with these birds, for example, what one should expect if it flies into the house. Different nations interpret this event in different ways.

  1. In Slavic peoples, the appearance of a swallow in the house was considered a bad omen, foreshadowing the death of one of the relatives, and among the inhabitants of Western Europe - to luck and good.
  2. The nest, built under the roof of the house, was a sure sign that good and kind people live here, in a family of peace and quiet.
  3. If the swallow leaves the nest already crouched next to the house, this is considered a bad omen and brings misfortune to the tenants.
  4. It is believed that a swallow living near a person protects his home from a fire.
  5. If a swallow is tapping his beak out of the window, she reports that a person who has been unknown for a long time will inform about herself.

As we can see, folk wisdom associated with these birds not only a sign explaining if the swallows fly high, it is to what kind of weather, but also others that are more or less able to affect a person's life to some extent.