The deterioration of the intellect, dementia, can manifest itself immediately after birth, that is, to be congenital, or acquired with age, when it is customary to talk about senile dementia. There are many factors that can provoke the disease at any stage of life. Is it amenable to correction?
What is dementia?
Pathology can lead to a complete loss of ability to think, because dementia is a weakening of memory, a reduction in the supply of ideas and knowledge. It is always accompanied by the defeat of the nervous system and the destruction of brain cells. A person loses the connection between the surrounding realities and phenomena. His emotional reactions and character traits are impoverished, the ability to take a critical attitude towards one's own behavior and words is lost. Until recently, such a disorder was observed only in newborns and people over 65 years of age, but in recent years the disease has become much "younger."
Dementia - signs
Symptoms of the disease in children and adults can vary. Intellectual disorders have a characteristic feature that they can develop after a period of absolutely normal and full functioning of the brain. Congenital pathology in children is called oligophrenia. A huge role in its development is played by genes and external influences, for example, intrauterine or perinatal factors. The signs of dementia include:
- memory impairment;
- poor concentration and attention;
- mental activity, which is beyond the norm;
- inability to understand and comprehend what is happening.
If the child was born normal, then in the future to recognize the onset of the disease can be on the weakening or loss of previously acquired skills, speech impairment, impoverishment of vocabulary , problems in communication, etc. In adults, senile dementia manifests itself:
- A memory disorder. At the same time, short-term memory first suffers, and then long-term memory.
- Loss of ability to find a landmark in space and time.
- Progressive selfishness.
- Lost ability to logical thinking.
- Delusional, obsessive ideas.
- Increased feelings of irritability, tearfulness, anxiety, anger, etc.
Types of Dementia
In addition to dividing into congenital dementia and acquired dementia, partial dementia is also observed, divided into the following types:
- Epileptic , the trigger mechanism of development of which is epilepsy.
- Vascular dementia . In its development, an important role is played by atherosclerosis of the brain.
- Traumatic , which is provoked by trauma.
- Alcoholic . The defeat of the brain occurs against the background of alcohol abuse.
- Schizophrenic . She is accompanied by schizophrenia.
- Psychogenic . It is also called imaginary dementia, which passes by itself.
- Decreased mental level . At the same time, mental activity is only slightly weakened.
Senile Dementia
The reasons for which dementia develops are not fully determined. With age, all biochemical reactions in the human body slow down, some fail due to the development of ailments. Dementia in the elderly begins to progress gradually. Forget previously acquired skills, and a new person can not learn how to not be able to generalize information, draw conclusions and adequately assess themselves and others.
The negative traits of character come to the fore: stinginess, irritability, anger, envy. Interests narrow, and views become patterned. Shame and commitment to moral and ethical standards are lost. In severe cases, complete degradation and disadaptation of the individual are observed. The patient requires constant care and supervision, because he is not able to serve himself.
Epileptic dementia
Numerous convulsive attacks lead to traumatization of the brain and the development of this form of intellectual disorder. The main symptom is the slowing down of the pace of mental processes. A weak-minded person is not able to separate the main from the secondary. His speech abounds with templates, but he can speak quickly and not lose a chain of utterances.
In a normal conversation such patients have the craving to detail everything, to describe it excessively. In this case, the propensity to generalize and distract from them suffers. Relatives have a hard time with such wards, because they "love" to instruct and instruct, entering into the role of a narrow moralist. They overestimate their own life experience, and their statements are shallow, superficial and banal.
Schizophrenic Dementia
It is called transient, transient, because it occurs sporadically. Patients may unexpectedly demonstrate a good memory and thinking, but then again comes the period of psychosis. The diagnosis of dementia is put after observation, testing reactions to various actions and tasks. With this form of illness, people think abstractly, he is inclined to philosophize, far from reality. Dementia leads to a slow decrease in luggage knowledge and loss of vital skills. There are problems with concentration of attention.
Against the background of intellectual violations, the desire to communicate disappears. The patient gradually becomes an autistic. In severe cases, the motor ability is preserved, but the person almost always spends in a stationary state. He does not control the process of eating, physiological needs and does not answer questions. The prognosis of treatment is doubtful.
Alcoholic Dementia
Drinks based on alcohol cause irreversible changes in the body, built into biochemical processes. Due to prolonged and systematic abuse of alcohol, dependence and mental disorders are formed, which result in alcoholic dementia . Syndromes of intellectual disorders are observed in the 3 stages of alcohol dependence. All vital functions of the intellect are damaged or completely lost. A person becomes incapable of perceiving information and reasoning. Suffering speech and memory.
The virus of digital dementia
In Slavic countries this problem has not yet been realized, since they joined the digital world later in some Western countries. In Korea, digital dementia is already an official diagnosis, which began to put representatives of a new generation who have access to the Internet, owning smartphones, tablets and all sorts of gadgets. Specialists began to observe their loss of memory, attention disorder , cognitive impairment, depression and depression, a low threshold of self-control, etc.
Such changes can be compared with the consequences of craniocereberal traumas (boxing dementia manifests itself in a similar way) and early dementia. Many scientists who have nothing against technical progress, talk about the potential dangers of digital technology for the growing brain. The thing is that the brain undergoes stages of maturation and development to 20 years, and if a child explores the world virtually, and not physically without interaction with the environment, the formation of the brain slows down or stops altogether.
How to treat dementia?
When prescribing therapy, it is very important to identify the causes that triggered the disease, and to eliminate them. Treatment of dementia includes the use of drugs to power the brain, vasodilators, vitamins. In case of disturbance of mood and behavior, hallucinations and delirium are prescribed antipsychotics, tranquilizers, sedatives. If the idiot is at the last stage of the development of the disease, then it is necessary to arrange for him proper care, to conduct prophylaxis of bedsores, pneumonia and other complications.
Drugs for dementia
From traditional medicines it is possible to allocate:
- Antidiarrheal drugs prescribed for life. Tablets from dementia improve the brain metabolism and transmission of nerve impulses. These are akatinol memantil, rivastigmine, cerebrolysin, and others.
- Neuroleptics that relieve aggressive manifestations and anxiety. These are sonapaks, phenibut, phenazepam, and others.
- Antidepressants. This is a marlin, pyrlinol, clomipramine, and others.
Vitamins from dementia
Vitamins-antioxidants can not only prevent mental weakness and memory loss, but also slow the development of dementia. Vitamin B12 with dementia, vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin B12 can be of particular benefit, as well as vitamins A, C, and E. You can keep normal mental abilities if you get enough minerals - zinc, selenium, iodine, copper, calcium, phosphorus, molybdenum, potassium, etc. - in sufficient quantities. Prevent Alzheimer's disease will help regular intake of folic acid.
Herbs that treat dementia
There are many traditional medicine that help to improve the condition of patients with an intellectual disorder. The disease of dementia is amenable to correction with the help of decoctions and infusions of various medicinal herbs - hawthorn, Caucasian dioscorea, anisate lofant. At the initial stages of dementia, it is useful to take the tincture of elecampane, and even greater benefit can bring the plant preparation Ginkgo biloba. Increase efficiency and raise immunity capable Eleutherococcus, Echinacea, Rhodiola rosea.
Devyasilovy broth on the wine
- the roots of elecampane are 120 g;
- red wine - 0,5 liters.
- To prepare the wine decoction of the roots of elecampane 120 grams of raw material, pour 0.5 liters of red wine.
- Boil for 10 minutes.
- Pass through the filter and drink one glass three times a day before a meal.
Broth of hawthorn
- fruits of hawthorn - 20 g;
- simple water - 200 ml.
- To prepare a decoction of hawthorn fruit raw in the amount of 20 g pour 200 ml of hot water.
- Boil in a water bath for 15 minutes.
- Insist 45 minutes.
- Pass through the filter and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day for half an hour before a meal.
Products from dementia
Nutrition should aim to normalize weight, lower cholesterol and glucose in the blood. Food should be teeming with fiber, so you need to consume a lot of fruits and vegetables, cereals. The dementia syndrome will give up its position if you give up bad habits, increase your motor activity, and eat it right, balanced.
Top 10 products that improve brain function:
- Nuts . They contain B vitamins, fatty acids and valuable minerals that enhance the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain.
- Sea fish and seafood . They are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
- Spinach . He develops intellectual abilities.
- Chocolate . Normalizes memory and improves mood.
- Cranberries and blueberries . These berries are rich in antioxidants, neutralizing the negative impact of free radicals.
- Green tea . The drink contains polyphenols, which protect the cells of the brain from neurodegenerative lesions.
- Eggs . They are needed for the normal functioning of the membranes of the brain.
- Tomatoes . Lycopene in their composition contributes to the saturation of the brain with oxygen.
- Vegetable oils .
- Wheat bran , preventing the development of atherosclerosis.