Mistresses, not happy with such an achievement of technical progress, like a dishwasher, almost daily face the washing of just the mountains of dishes. In such cases, one of a wide range of modern dishwashing detergents is readily available for assistance. If you believe advertising, even a single drop of such a miracle means is easy to cope with even the most greasy baking sheets and will greatly simplify the task. At such times, few people think about their harmfulness, because the apparent efficiency at first glance surpasses the invisible risks.
Indeed, concentrated gels containing surface-active detergents perfectly handle a variety of impurities, but it should not be forgotten that the more of them in the product, the more it remains on the dishes, despite careful rinsing, and, accordingly, gets into our stomach. By themselves, micro-doses are not capable of causing significant damage to health, but since they enter the body systematically, they tend to accumulate. As a result, the "use" of all sorts of synthetic components, such as phosphates, silicates and sodium carbonates, can lead to serious chronic diseases.
Impressive? And frightening. But what is to be done? Accustomed to modern detergents, it is very difficult to return to the grandmother's methods , such as soaping the sponge with soap and using baking soda as an abrasive. But you can find a compromise, namely, to prepare a liquid or paste for cleaning utensils from safe improvised means.
Pasta for cleaning utensils, recipe 1
- Economic or children's hypoallergenic soap without perfume;
- baking soda;
- essential oil for aroma.
- Soap is rubbed on a fine grater. In this case, different unclaimed pieces were used, which fell under the arm.
- The result is such a fine soap shaving. Do not press and press it.
- Add a glass of warm water to the shavings and proceed to beating with a mixer. You can also work with a whisk, but it will be much more difficult and longer, while the mixer will cope with this task in just 5 minutes.
- Initially, the mixture will actively foam and bubble, so to prepare the paste it is better to take a deep container.
- As you beat up, you will get an increasingly thick and strong foam. Once all the pieces are dissolved and the foam gets a uniform consistency - it is ready.
- In the finished foam add baking soda - for 200 g of soap, about 100 g of soda.
- Stir the mixture with a spoon and add a couple of drops of essential oil for flavor.
- Ready spread the paste on jars. It is best to store the product under a tightly closed lid to prevent it from drying out.
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Pasta for cleaning utensils, recipe 2
- household soap without fragrances - 100 g;
- food soda - 120 g;
- glycerin - 15 ml;
- natural ground coffee - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
- mustard - 50 g;
- water 250 ml.
- Soap grate on a fine grater. The smaller the chip, the easier it will dissolve.
- Chop the chips with hot water and stir until dissolved, for convenience, you can use a mixer.
- After the soap has dissolved, gradually add to it all the remaining components, thoroughly mixing.
- We put the ready paste for the dishes into a container, which is closed with a dense lid. This mixture perfectly copes with fat and any other contaminants, it is suitable for cleaning sanitary ware and at the same time does not overdry the skin of the hands.