Why wash plastic windows and windowsills?

Any metal-plastic construction requires care. Taking into account the fact that this material still gradually absorbs dirt, the housewife once poses the question of how to wash plastic windows and windowsills.

Cleaning the plastic window

The cleaning procedure is the following: first the surface of the frame is cleaned of dirt and dust, then the glass is washed, in the last place the window sill. Consider how to wash the glass of plastic windows. To clean the glass, you can use a soft cloth and paper or a special screed with a sponge on the long handle.

Before washing plastic windows, you need to prepare a solution using folk remedies:

Then distribute the cleaning substance on the glass and thoroughly wipe in a circular motion.

Consider the better to wash the windowsill if there is a plastic window. A softener is any dishwashing liquid . It is effective for cleaning a slightly dirty surface. It is desirable to clean this window sill weekly.

Stains on plastic material can be cleaned with Santri cleaning agents, Domestos. You must carefully rub them with a sponge with a hard pile - the surface of the window sill will not scratch it.

The stained dirt stains can also be removed with a gruel from the usual washing powder , which must be applied to the contamination, leave for a few minutes. Such a tool will restore the white color of the surface.

It is believed that the windows need to be thoroughly washed twice a year - in the fall and in the spring.

Adhering to this schedule and knowing how to wash the frames and sills of plastic windows, you can always with pleasure contemplate the world through clean glasses. Detergents and simple recommendations will help extend the life of the structure.