Than to clean suede boots?

Than to clean suede boots, after all it is such fastidious and easily perishable material? In fact, there are a huge number of recipes for cleaning contaminated suede , which can be successfully applied, rejoicing the beautiful appearance of their shoes.

Wet cleaning

Cleaning the suede at home can be wet or dry. It is clear that the former is used in more severe and complex soils, since this material is not recommended to be exposed to moisture at all. So, how to properly clean suede boots?

  1. The easiest way is to clean shoes with detergent. Take a pinch of any detergent and stir it in a glass of warm water. Then immerse the sponge in the solution and gently walk through it in places that require cleaning. Then thoroughly wash it or use another, soaked in clean water to walk around the entire surface of the boots. Allow shoe to dry away from sunlight and heaters.
  2. For another method it is necessary: ​​mix water and ammonia in a proportion of 1: 4 and wipe the shoes with a clean coarse cloth moistened in a solution. After that, in a ratio of 4: 4: 1, mix the ammonia, glycerine and borax and another clean rag with this solution to process the entire surface of the boots.

Dry Cleaning

Cleaning dry suede boots is a more gentle procedure for suede shoes, but it does not always allow you to cope with heavy dirt.

  1. So, the way is to clean the boots with the usual clerical eraser or a piece of hard foam. They perfectly relieve the droplets of dried mud, small grease spots. The field of such cleaning should be carefully combed shoes with a special brush.
  2. This method helps with more severe contaminants. It is necessary to sprinkle boots with talc and leave in such condition for a while, for example, at night. After scraping the powder along with the remains of dirt and combing your shoes.

Do not forget that after any cleaning you need to treat the shoes with a special moisture and dirt repellent that will reduce the risk of dirtying your boots the next time.