Slimming with the yolk

Yolk is an integral part of the egg. For a diet, it is better not to eat separately the yolk, but the entire egg, but not more than 1 piece per day. Losing weight with the help of yolk is quite possible. Egg yolk is worth eating boiled for breakfast. Supplement this diet can be citrus fruits, which help to find a sense of saturation, while at the same time will help reduce unwanted pounds. Egg yolk can be combined with cabbage stewed in water. This dish is also desirable to use only in the morning. For lunch and dinner you can eat the same cabbage, but without adding an egg. You can make salads with yolk and fill with olive or sunflower oil. Vegetables for such a salad are better to choose those that do not contain starch. Eggs should be fresh. You can add egg yolk and baked vegetables, thus making your diet more diverse. Diet will be most effective if you include physical exercises in your daily routine.

Composition of chicken yolk

The total volume of yolk in a hen's egg in liquid form is on average 33%. How many calories are in the egg yolk? Its energy value is about 3 times greater than in the protein, and is approximately 60 kcal. On the average egg size, the amount of cholesterol will be 210 mg, proteins - 2.7 g, fats - 4.51 g and carbohydrates - 0.61 g. Fat in the yolk is basically fatty acids - saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated. Of these, about 47% of oleic acid is most abundant.

How useful is the yolk?

The main thing, than the yolk of a hen's egg is useful is by its presence in vitamin B12. This vitamin brings strength and energy to the body, makes a person cheerful and energetic. It is given even to children when they have no appetite.

In addition, in the egg yolk there is vitamin A , which improves vision, and also prevents early aging and the formation of cancer cells


Slightly less in the yolk of vitamins B1, B2, PP, E and D, which have a beneficial effect on the whole body. Due to this rich vitamin composition egg yolk is used even in baby food. But this is not all that is useful in the yolk. It contains substances such as phosphorus, choline, selenium, melatonin and lutein.

  1. Phosphorus is involved in the physiological reactions that occur in the body, and also helps to keep the gums and teeth in good condition.
  2. Choline supports the cardiovascular and nervous systems, it nourishes the nerve cells. This substance is more represented in the raw yolk.
  3. Selenium protects the human body from the harmful effects of the environment. Being an antioxidant, it prevents the influence on the body of tobacco smoke, radiation, exhaust gases, pesticides and other harmful substances.
  4. As for melatonin, it rejuvenates the body, participates in the construction of new cells. This substance is useful for normal hair growth and good skin condition.
  5. Lutein is good for eyesight. Prevents the appearance of cataracts.

Contraindications for the use of yolk

The main contraindications to the use of yolks of chicken eggs are associated, first of all, with the presence of cholesterol in it. In the yolk of one medium-sized egg, up to 275 mg of this substance can be contained. Therefore, people suffering from heart disease should use this product with extreme caution. But it is worthwhile to understand that not all the amount of this cholesterol gets to the body. It is prevented by lecithin, which is contained in large quantities in a chicken egg. Scientists conduct experiments, as a result of which there is no obvious relationship between the increase in cholesterol and the number of eggs eaten.