How many calories are in the pear?

The correct diet for weight loss necessarily includes products that contribute to increased metabolism. Pear is just one of these foods, and along with kiwi and grapefruit should always be present in the diet. In addition to its useful properties, it normalizes the digestive tract and liver. In addition, her sweet taste will be able to replace you with dessert.

How many calories are in the pear?

There are a huge number of varieties of pears, and one can choose among them one that is more pleasant than the others in taste. It is interesting, but the calorie content of the red, yellow, green pear is the same - 42 kcal per 100 grams.

Thanks to this indicator, the pear has long consolidated its positions in the list of dietary products. This does not mean that during any diet it can be unlimitedly eaten. It can replace your usual desserts in order to reduce the daily caloric content of the diet and cause the body to split already accumulated fatty deposits.

Knowing how many calories in the pear (green, yellow or red - it does not matter), yet, it is not recommended to eat more than two pieces per day. One or two fruits are enough to disperse the metabolism. It will be better if you divide one pear into two doses and eat the pieces at different times. The more often you eat small portions - the faster the metabolism accelerates, which forces the body to expend energy stored in fat.

Caloric content of one pear

The average fruit weighs about 135 grams, which means that the calorie content is 1 pc. pears - about 56 calories. If you consider a pear as a dessert, it's easy to see that this is one of the easiest options. Of course, if you have caught large or small fruits, this figure will vary.

Caloric content of dried pear

Many like dried pears - this is a special kind of natural dessert, something in between, between dried and fresh fruit. With a diet for weight loss, it is not worth taking this sweetness, because its calorie content is high enough - 246 kcal per 100 grams. The maximum that you can afford is to add yourself several slices of such a pear in the unsweetened morning porridge on the water to improve its taste. However, after dinner, use of such a product during weight loss is not recommended.

Another option for using a dried pear is to relieve a severe famine. If you can not grab a snack, just slowly slice one slice of a dried pear and drink it with a glass of water. Due to its high calorie content, it will satisfy the hunger and allow you to wait for food easily.

How many calories are in pears and apples?

Sweet pear and apple with sourness - how do you think, where are more calories? Many believe that the sweet taste of the pear speaks about the large amount of sugars in its composition, which means that it is more caloric. In fact, they are approximately equal: in the pear 42 kcal, and in the apple - 47 kcal per 100 grams.

Accordingly, the average pear weighing 135 g contains 56 kcal, and the average apple (165 g) is 77. Therefore, if in the diet that you use, in the diet indicated apples, you can safely replace them with pears.

It is not replaceable only an apple, eaten on an empty stomach: this fruit does not contain rough fiber and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, but the pear, due to the abundance of fibers, can cause abdominal pain. It is better to eat it with a separate meal, in a break between breakfast and lunch, for example.

By the way, at the expense of the same coarse fiber, the pear is not recommended for people who suffer from a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer. In this case, it is better to avoid any products that can potentially cause irritation to the mucosa, and instead of fresh pears eat a pear casserole, a baked pear or similar dishes from this fruit.