Vinegar is good and bad

The use of vinegar for the body is known since antiquity. No wonder it was produced in Babylon and Assyria. Then it was called "sour wine" and was given even to children to strengthen immunity , to soldiers, to disinfect wounds and sick with flu. Now, physicians have proved that vinegar carries both benefit and harm to the body.

The Benefits of Vinegar

We emphasize that it is useful only real vinegar, and not synthetic, which was invented in the nineteenth century by the German scientist Hoffmann. The latter option is suitable only for confectionery purposes.

The main healing property of vinegar is its dietary properties. Many nutritionists advise people suffering from obesity, to take vinegar, especially apple, several times a day. The main thing is to know the dose. Usually, two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar or a spoon are added to a glass of warm water and drunk before meals. You can improve the taste of the drink with a spoonful of honey. If a person, who is dieting, suddenly overeat, then they take vinegar and water after a plentiful feast. In the latter case, it will catalyze the digestion of fatty and heavy food. Some connoisseurs add a little vinegar to the enema. They argue that this way the process of cleansing the bowels will be more effective. Doctors, in turn, insist that food vinegar , used in large quantities, brings not so much good as harm. Therefore, the main rule of its administration is dosage. It depends on the specific nature of the human body.

In addition to helping to cleanse the body of toxins, vinegar is effective when:

And yet, the essence is not a cure. Therefore, food vinegar can sometimes do not benefit people, but harm.

Harm to vinegar

Drink with vinegar requires extreme caution when used. Abuse of it has the opposite effect. So, with excessive, fanatical consumption of such a drink, a person can develop colitis and cirrhosis of the liver. People who are concerned, for example, gastritis or an ulcer, vinegar is contraindicated. You can not drink it hypertensives and diabetics. Physicians categorically forbid to use it in any form to those who suffer from nephritis, hepatitis, and also nervous disorders.