Acidophilin is good and bad

The benefits and harm of acidophilus were discovered as early as the beginning of the 20th century. However, despite the fact that more than a hundred years have passed since that time, this fermented milk drink has not caught up with kefir or ryazhenka by popularity. The problem is all the same lack of knowledge. But people who know how useful acidophilus, try to periodically introduce it into the diet of his family, to improve his health.

Composition of acidophilus

Like many products of the sour-milk group, acidophilin has a rich composition. It includes proteins, carbohydrates, traces of milk fat, organic acids, sugars. However, the main advantage of acidophilus is the vitamin-mineral complex. Using this drink, you can get vitamins such as PP, B, C, H groups. Chalines, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, iodine, sulfur, copper, manganese, fluorine, cobalt, molybdenum and others.

Useful properties of acidophilus

This milkshake is recommended to people of all ages, and especially weakened illness, exhausted, adolescents, women during pregnancy and lactation, the elderly. Due to its remarkable chemical composition, acidophilin has such useful properties:

Acidophilin for weight loss

It is useful to use acidophilus for weight loss. The calorific value of acidophilus is only 56 kcal per 100 grams of product, so with it you can diversify the diet when losing weight. During a diet, you can drink a glass of a drink a day. This will help support the body, which is in the regime of deficiency of nutrients, and prevent the deterioration of the hair, skin, and nails.

In addition, the use of acidophilus for weight loss is that the drink improves the metabolic processes of the body, helping not to store fat.

Harm acidophilus

Harm to this product can only occur in two cases. If there is intolerance to dairy products and in case of excessive and consumption of acidophilus, which can lead to increased acidity and, as a result, heartburn and discomfort.