Bananas - good and bad for the body of men and women

These fruits are loved by many people, they are accessible, tasty and they can be an excellent substitute for dessert, but few people think what impact they have on the body systems and physiological processes, whether there are vitamins and minerals necessary for a person.

What are the benefits of bananas?

Doctors advise to include these fruits in your diet, especially this recommendation is recommended for those who are engaged in mental work. Bananas contain a lot of sugar, which helps maintain brain activity. In addition, they are easily digested, quickly digested and normalize digestive processes. At the same time, the nutritional value of a banana is only 96 kcal per 100 g, so those who are afraid of getting better, they will not do harm.

What vitamins are in a banana?

Even in one fruit contains many useful substances. Vitamins in a banana help to increase the skin turgor, strengthen bone tissue, improve the conductivity of nerve fibers. There are ascorbic acid in them, which helps to increase the efficiency of the immune system, get rid of colds and ARD, as well as vitamins A, E, K, group B. All these substances are necessary for the body, with their lack of working capacity decreases, eyesight deterioration, nails and hair become lifeless .

What is useful for a banana for the body?

Fruits have a few contraindications, doctors advise eating them practically to all people. Useful properties of a banana are so great that it is recommended to use it for children, whose body needs vitamins and minerals for the normal development of all organs and systems. Adults are advised to eat them in the period of colds and flu, so you can reduce the likelihood of infection and quickly recover, if it has already happened.

Bananas - good and bad for the body:

  1. They have anti-inflammatory properties, they can be included in the diet for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. They have a positive effect on the central nervous system, help get rid of insomnia, increase brain efficiency.
  3. Improve intestinal motility.
  4. Magnesium, which is part of the banana, helps to get rid of chronic fatigue .
  5. Iron contained in them, increases hemoglobin, eliminates the likelihood of anemia.
  6. Harm to the body can cause, if you eat rotten bananas.
  7. It is not necessary to consume fruits in diabetes mellitus.

What are the benefits of bananas for women?

Girls who care about the figure, it is worth including in the menu these southern fruits. The benefits of bananas for the woman's body is:

  1. The saturation of the body with magnesium, potassium and iron, minerals, which are often not enough for the fair sex.
  2. Improve digestive and metabolic processes. Lose weight on bananas, perhaps, eating banana pulp instead of dessert or as a snack, it will get to satiate the body with vitamins, reduce the feeling of hunger. These fruits are practically fat-free, so the lady will not gain extra kilograms, but her well-being and mood will improve.
  3. Reduction of discomfort in PMS.

Benefits of bananas for men

Cardiologists are advocating for the inclusion in these daily rations of these fruits. They, speaking on the topic of how useful bananas for men, unanimously argue that a large amount of potassium in a treat, helps to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. According to statistics, these ailments are a scourge of modernity. A lot of young guys and middle-aged people die of heart attacks and strokes every year.

Bananas - good and bad for the body of a man:

  1. Improvement of potency.
  2. Strengthening bone tissue, reducing the likelihood of increased fragility of bones.
  3. It is not necessary to eat people who have had a heart attack or stroke recently, such a snack will only bring harm to them.

Therapeutic properties of a banana

It is proved that these fruits help to eliminate the symptoms of certain diseases, speed up the healing process. Doctors, when asked whether bananas are useful for gastritis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and other ailments of the digestive system, give a positive response. In addition, they reduce the risk of developing anemia, migraines, help to eliminate the effects of chronic stress.

Bananas with gastritis

These fruits are allowed to eat with this disease. They do not increase acidity and do not irritate the mucous walls of the stomach, improve the digestive process. Doctors are often asked whether bananas can be consumed daily for gastritis, or it is wiser to refrain from it. Experts advise eating 1 pc. in 2-3 days, more often it is not necessary, after all it can provoke occurrence of such symptom as a diarrhea or the raised or increased aerogenesis.

Bananas for coughing adults

Get rid of an unpleasant symptom can be much faster if you cook a simple remedy. Treatment of a banana cough is done with a cold and acute respiratory infections every day, you can use the method unlimited number of times per day. To prepare the product you will need a minimum amount of ingredients that can easily be bought at a regular grocery store.



  1. Soften the fruit with a fork or in a blender.
  2. Mix it with warmed milk and honey.
  3. Kashitsu may be consumed orally and externally. In the second case, it is applied to the sternum and lasts 20-30 minutes.

Bananas with pancreatitis

Doctors are allowed to eat it in the presence of this disease. The main advantage of bananas in this case is that they contain substances that reduce the intensity of symptoms of pancreatitis. But in order not to risk your own health, you should consult a doctor before including them in the menu. It will not be superfluous to follow certain rules described below.

Bananas are good for and harmful to the body when pancreatitis:

  1. 1 fruit a day will saturate the body with B vitamins, they are necessary for this disease. A larger amount will only provoke diarrhea and eructation, so you should limit yourself to 1 pc. per day.
  2. It is more reasonable to stretch a banana into a gruel, so it will be better absorbed.
  3. You can not eat when the disease worsens.

Bananas with stomach ulcer

Most fruits contain many acids, but bananas are an exception, so they have a mild effect. In addition, fruits contain vitamins E and C, on their level depends on how quickly the process of recovery of the mucous membrane will pass. The usefulness of bananas is also in the fact that they improve the digestive process, but there are them in the stomach ulcer daily, yet it is not worth it, it is better to limit 1 piece to 2-3 days. And to consult with the attending physician in advance on the question of their use will not be superfluous.

Bananas for Losing Weight

These fruits are considered one of the most high-calorie, but this does not mean that they can not be included in the diet for those who want to lose those extra pounds. They contain a small amount of fat and many carbohydrates, so they perfectly saturate, but do not add centimeters to the waist. Having eaten one fruit, you can pacify the feeling of hunger for 1,5-2 hours, this is a wonderful snack, reducing appetite and the desire to use something sweet, but not useful.

In addition, a fasting day on bananas will help not to suffer from hunger and to lose from 500 to 1000 g per day. The rules for applying this method are simple, you can use 4-5 fruits a day, drink green tea and coffee without sugar and cream, with a strong sense of hunger, you can include 1% fat in the diet of kefir. Unloading of this type is advised to hold 1, a maximum of 2 times a week.

Nutritionists advocate the use of these fruits in the period of weight loss also because of the large number of vitamins and minerals in them. It is proved, that at weight reduction the organism suffers from a lack of useful substances. Eliminate this factor by including these fruits in the diet, if you use them 1-2 times a week, a deficiency of vitamins and minerals will not arise and well-being will not worsen.

The damage of bananas to the body

Doctors claim that there are few contraindications to the use of these fruits, but they are available, so some people suffering from certain diseases, before including bananas in the daily diet, should consult a doctor. This will help to not cause harm to the body and maintain a wonderful state of health. The main contraindications include:

  1. Damage to bananas for patients with diabetes mellitus of any type is a proven fact, because the substances contained in these fruits are quickly broken down to glucose.
  2. Children under 5 years should give this treat with caution, although it is considered hypoallergenic.

The questions of the benefits and harms of bananas for the body are discussed by many scientists, but it has already been proved that it is completely undesirable to exclude them from the diet. After all, they are the source of the necessary substances, contribute to the strengthening of immunity. If you do not eat bananas in unlimited quantities daily and consult a doctor in the presence of certain chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, they will not bring harm.