Tea with Melissa

Probably, no drink can compare with the popularity of tea: black, green, red, white, large leaf, in bags - it is drunk every day, many and often. And not in vain. After all, the benefits of this drink are written a lot - tea contains antioxidants that help our body to restrain free radicals, and therefore, choosing tea - you choose the path to health.

Every day you need to drink at least two cups of this wonderful drink, and if you add a sprig of lemon balm to the drink, then the tea drunk with it will help you overcome insomnia, calm the nervous system, and your sleep will be many times sweeter.

What is useful for tea with melissa?

Melissa, or as we still call it, lemon mint, has long been known for its useful properties. It was used for neuroses, convulsions, hypertension and stomach diseases. Tea with melissa prescribed for migraines and asthma, to stimulate appetite and relieve colic.

The use of tea with melissa is enormous, especially it is recommended to use it during outbreaks of flu, because thanks to a drink, immunity is strengthened, and no diseases will be terrible.

Black tea with melissa is brewed, just like a regular drink, with a single supplement - add a couple of fragrant herb leaves to the teapot, and put a slice of lemon in the cup. The pleasure from such a tea ceremony is guaranteed to you.

Green tea with melissa

Green tea is useful much more than black, and thanks to the leaves of mint lemon, added during brewing, it acquires a slight tonic flavor and aroma.



We pour the teapot with boiling water, pour the tea leaves, add melissa leaves and pour boiling water. We insist about 10 minutes, and we can serve. If desired, you can add honey or sugar.

Tea with melissa and mint

By the way, you can perfectly brew the herbs themselves instead of tea. To do this, in the teapot, you need to pour 3-4 spoons of mint and melissa and pour boiling water. Allow to infuse the drink for 10-15 minutes and you can pour it on the cups.

If you want, then brew tea in a thermos, it will perfectly keep the temperature, and after drinking a cup of this fragrant drink in the morning, you will calm the nervous system and prepare yourself for the working day.