How to make cherry liqueur at home?

The only drawback of the technology of making any liqueur - the duration of cooking, the process can take up to six months, but you can confine yourself to a couple of weeks. Details on how to make cherry liqueur at home in the following recipes.

Cherry liqueur at home on vodka

The most popular basis for home-made liquors is vodka - one of the most accessible and widely distributed alcoholic beverages, from which we decided to start a list of recipes. For liquors, it is better to choose a quality soft vodka so that its sharp taste does not interrupt the berry flavor.



The preparation of cherry liquor at home begins with cherries. Separate the fruit from the stems and gently cut, leaving the stone inside. The incision will help the flesh to transfer the whole berry juice from the vodka base, and the bone will add flavor and noble bitterness.

Choose a dry and clean glass container and put the first layer of berries in it. Fill the berries with sugar to cover. Repeat the layers until you fill the entire selected capacity. Close the berries with a lid and leave in the refrigerator for a day, so that the cherries can start the juice. The next day, pour all the vodka so as to completely cover the contents of the container. Close the jar / bottle again and leave under direct sunlight for a day. Do not forget to shake the contents periodically to help start the dissolution of sugar crystals. After a while, transfer the jar of the drink to a cool place and continue shaking it from time to time.

Cherry liqueur at home with bones will be ready after six months. The ready drink is filtered, poured into bottles and left to cool well before taking the sample.

Cherry liqueur at home without vodka

If you do not tolerate the taste of vodka, then you can insist the cherries on any other preferred alcohol. Ideal option - bourbon, which will get a drink with a pronounced multi-faceted taste.

To get a maximum of cherry flavor, cherries should be cleaned from the stone, so the pulp will directly contact with alcohol. Fill the cleaned cherries with a glass jar and fill it with bourbon. Leave the container at room temperature for a month, occasionally shaking. After that, strain the drink and try the liqueur: if the cherries were sweet enough, then perhaps you will not need to add more sugar, otherwise dilute the bourbon with sugar syrup to taste.

Fast cherry liqueur with leaves at home

Speed ​​- not one of the advantages of cooking home alcohol, but if you are in a hurry, then significantly speed up the process will help the addition of cherry leaves. Thanks to them, the liquor will be saturated with cherry aromas many times faster.



After cleaning the cherries, place them in the saucepan with the leaves, pour the sugar and pour a little water. Place the sauté pan over the fire and leave to boil for 10 minutes. Finished cherry syrup leave under the lid until completely cooled, and then strain. Mix the syrup with vodka and chill the home cherry liqueur before use.