25 horrifying facts about spontaneous combustion of people

Have you ever heard of the spontaneous combustion of a person? If so, it is most likely from feature films or television programs. If not, it's okay. Now you will understand everything.

Like most mystical riddles, spontaneous spontaneous combustion is not what it seems at first glance. Ready? Go!

1. Spontaneous spontaneous combustion is a paranormal phenomenon, as a result of which a person, allegedly, can suddenly ignite without a visible external source of fire.

2. All recorded cases of spontaneous combustion of people indicate that they were alive or died shortly before the incident.

3. While there is no scientific explanation for spontaneous spontaneous combustion, but forensic experts have revealed characteristic features of behavior among victims: a craving for alcohol and potential sources of ignition.

4. The concept of "spontaneous combustion" was first mentioned in the 1700s, when someone suggested that a person could burn to ashes from the flame that suddenly seized his body.

5. Over the past 300 years, there have been approximately 200 incidents of spontaneous combustion of people.

6. In 1938, an article was published in the British medical journal with the suggestion that the typical victims of spontaneous combustion were older women who were addicted to alcohol. Their remains gave off an unpleasant smell.

7. In the studies of the 20th century, however, it was recorded that most corpses were found in direct sources of fire: candles, fireplaces, etc., but most likely this information was purposely removed from reports in order to create a mystical atmosphere around what was happening .

8. This fact is known to everyone, a person who is in a state of intoxication behaves inadequately.

9. The human body can burn like a candle. This phenomenon is called the "human candle" effect.

10. The victim's clothing is soaked with fused human fat and begins to act as a candle wick. The theory suggests that after the external source of ignition runs out, the combustion will continue due to fat smoldering.

11. The reason that fire does not spread to other objects around a burning person is a large amount of human fat. In other words, the process of maintaining a flame does not need additional sources of fuel.

12. Benjamin Redford, a scientific writer and editor of the scientific journal Skeptical Questionnaire, asks: "If the phenomenon of sudden spontaneous combustion of a person really exists, why does it occur so rarely?" On Earth, 5 billion people (according to 1987), but we do not see spontaneous victims walking in the park, rooting for your favorite football team or enjoying a cup of strong coffee in the Starbucks restaurant. "

13. The researcher of the paranormal phenomena, Brian Dunning, argues that the stories about spontaneous combustion of people - "these are only cases of natural death from a real source of fire."

14. Most people who died such death, led a sedentary lifestyle or suffered from obesity. There is a possibility that the victims died in a dream, respectively, could not put out the fire.

15. Cigarettes serve as a source of ignition. According to statistics, 1 out of 4 deaths in the US comes from smoldering gobies. A heart attack while smoking at home can lead to severe consequences.

16. As you know, there are practically no fat in the hands and feet of a person, this explains the fact that with the "human candle" effect these parts of the body do not burn and remain after the tragic death of the victim.

17. Less believable theory of John Abrahamson, but still it takes place to be: a man assumes that the source of fire is a ball lightning.

18. Another version is scalding, as it resembles a burn, but does not damage the victim's clothing.

19. Some, including Brian Jay Ford, believe that alcohol and some diets contribute to the development of ketosis (the accumulation of ketone in the body, one of the varieties of acetone, a very combustible substance). Excess fuel in the body and causes spontaneous combustion, the scientist believes.

20. There have been cases when spontaneous combustion has been confused with self-immolation - an act of suicide. In the West, 1% of suicides choose this kind of death.

21. Another important point was noticed by forensic experts: in some cases, the results of the autopsy (showing the real cause of death) were deliberately ignored by those who knowingly tried to connect death with spontaneous combustion.

22. Doubts of scientists about spontaneous spontaneous combustion provoked the appearance of pseudoscientific theories, beginning with new subatomic particles of "pyrotrons" and ending with ghosts. Ghosts, Carl.

23. Perhaps the most famous recorded case of spontaneous combustion occurred with a 67-year-old woman named Mary Reaser, whose burned body was discovered by the hostess of a rented apartment. When the police arrived at the scene, only one leg remained from the woman's body.

24. Another notable case occurred with the 73-year-old Welshman, Henry Thomas, who died in the living room of his house. The inquirer recorded death as "death from burning."

25. The latest case of such death dates back to 2010. A man named Michael Faerty (76 years old) died of the same sudden spontaneous combustion.