Injuries to the abdomen

Injuries of the stomach are called a fairly large group of lesions. Most of them represent a real threat to the health and life of the patient. Therefore, they are generally considered to be injuries requiring urgent examination and subsequent treatment.

Types of abdominal trauma

Injuries can be closed or open. The latter are:

With a single injury, open abdominal injuries are called isolated. At several - plural. If, in addition to the peritoneum, other organs or systems are damaged, then such a trauma is called a combination.

Open wounds are usually applied with piercing and cutting objects. Injuries resulting from contact with animals or mechanisms are classified as torn and considered to be the most extensive, complex and painful. This group includes gunshot wounds.

Closed abdominal injuries are more dangerous, because they can not be seen with the naked eye, as open ones. These include:

Among the main signs of closed abdominal injuries:

Treatment of stomach injuries

Therapy depends on the complexity of the injury:

  1. Superficial open wounds are simple enough to treat, clean from nonviable tissues and sew.
  2. In complex open injuries, a serious operation is required.
  3. Patients with closed injuries are first sent for diagnosis. According to the results of the latter, they can be sent to the operating table or to the hospital, where they will have to follow a diet, bed rest and take conservative treatment.