A sleep disorder or narcolepsy is a rare and unusual disorder of the nervous system with a prevalence of 1-2 people per 2000 population. Men are more prone to ailment. The disease is not fatal, but it can negatively affect the psyche and the life of the patient lead to injuries, accidents.
What is narcolepsy?
Narcolepsy is a paroxysmal sudden bouts of sleepiness that occur during the waking period of a person and are accompanied by a loss of control over the muscle tone. This occurs as a result of a phase of a fast (paradoxical) sleep disorder, during which it is difficult to wake up. A person drastically "falls" into a dream at any time of the day, in any place, during the commission of any active actions.
Narcolepsy-hypersomnia destroys the psyche of the patient. Developed constant fatigue and drowsiness, even if the duration of sleep was not less than the recommended 8 hours. This affects the quality of a person's standard of living - the disease can become a serious test for narcolepsy: family destruction, career and the constant threat of life.
Narcolepsy and cataplexy
Attacks of narcolepsy, inextricably (in 80%) are associated with episodes of cataplexy: uncontrolled loss of muscle tone, accompanied by a fall, consciousness is preserved. Between attacks during the day there is an interval during which the patient becomes distracted, and many actions are performed on the automatic. In severe cases, cataplexy can lead to generalized flaccid paralysis (only the muscles of the eyeballs move).
Narcolepsy - Causes
The disease of narcolepsy is one of the mysterious neurological disorders. Neurologists call various hypotheses, among them psychosomatic diseases , the manifestation of schizophrenia, the violation of the neurochemical balance in the brain. Narcoleptic syndrome can occur as a symptom of another developing disease. Studies of the disorder scientists allowed them to identify the main reasons:
- lack of orexin A and B - neurotransmitters helping to conduct nerve impulses along neurons. If the body does not produce enough of these substances, excitation does not reach the neurons, the person falls asleep;
- autoimmune destruction of hypocretin-containing neurons in the hypothalamus;
- the genetic factor (25% of cases, in the anamnesis have relatives with a narcolepsy);
- diabetes mellitus (types I and II)
- infection of the brain;
- craniocerebral trauma;
- mental trauma;
- epilepsy;
- multiple sclerosis;
- tumors of the hypothalamus;
- excessive fatigue, chronic lack of sleep, severe pregnancy can become catalysts of the disease.
Narcolepsy - symptoms
The symptomatology of narcolepsy is often expressed by a bright clinical picture and in the classic course accompanied by symptoms:
- in a constant pathological falling asleep during the day (15-30 minutes), resistance to sleep is limited. Occurs with monotonous activity (reading, watching TV, washing dishes), but it can also occur with active actions;
- the drop in muscle tone (cataplexy in 75% of patients) of a certain limb (arms, legs), or generalized weakness - the person falls down as a wreck. Symptom is preceded by strong emotional outbursts: anger, hatred, fear;
- hypnagogic auditory and / or visual hallucinations or illusions (30%), arise when falling asleep, hypnopopic - on awakening: realistic, colorful and frightening;
- sleep paralysis (25%) - at the time of falling asleep or awakening, there is a short-term muscle paralysis (immobility) during which a person is unable to make any movement. The condition is accompanied by a strong anxiety and fear. Sleep paralysis rarely occurs in healthy people.
What is the danger of narcolepsy?
Narcolepsy is a disease sometimes associated with immense risks to life, both the patient himself and the people around him. Attacks occur several times a day, and until they occur, a person (narcoleptic) can cross the road, drive a vehicle, work with complex objects and mechanisms. The risk of getting or injuring increases several times.
Narcolepsy - how to treat?
The normal quality of life is the main need of a seriously ill person, and narcolepsy is no exception. The diagnosis is made on the basis of patient complaints and a detailed examination by a somnologist. The doctor prescribes polysomnography (examining a night's sleep in the laboratory, monitoring the sleep phase with a special device) and the MSLT test (in a daytime laboratory sleep study). Based on the tests, the dynamics of the sleep patterns is made, and one can judge the presence / absence of the disease.
Timely appeal to the doctor and well-formed therapy - significantly alleviate the condition of the patient with narcolepsy. Narcoleptic takes drugs in a prophylactic dose throughout life, this allows you to reduce the number of seizures, to achieve remission. The narcolepsy syndrome caused by another disease is to eliminate the underlying ailment. An effective treatment regimen includes drugs:
- antidepressants - significantly reduce episodes of cataplexy, sleep paralysis;
- stimulants - remove drowsiness, improve a person's productivity in the daytime;
- sleeping pills - stabilize night sleep.
Narcolepsy - treatment with folk remedies
Narcolepsy is curable, many herbalists and healers consider, but this is not so. Traditional medicine can be an additional help to drug therapy. Consultation of the doctor is necessary. Herbs used in the disorder:
- decoction of the motherwort - sedative effect;
- seed of dill - soft soothing and hypnotic action;
- fruits of hawthorn - eliminate insomnia;
- cones of hops - relaxing effect;
- Melissa - normalizes mental processes .