Hepatitis - types, ways of infection, treatment, prevention

Inflammation of liver tissue, accompanied by damage or death of its cells, is called hepatitis. This disease can occur for viral, autoimmune and mechanical reasons. It is important to know exactly the ways of infection and the types of hepatitis - their treatment and prevention directly depend on the origin and factors provoking inflammatory processes.

Prevention of infection with viruses of hepatitis and other types of disease

There are seven types of viral hepatitis, they are denoted in Latin letters consecutively from A to G. In all species of the disease, two transmission routes are fecal-oral and protein (blood, sperm, vaginal fluid).

Prevention of hepatitis (A and E) in the first case is the careful observance of hygiene rules:

  1. Wash hands with soap after going to the toilet, after returning from the street.
  2. Do not drink unboiled water.
  3. Rinse raw vegetables and fruits with boiling water.
  4. Do not eat in suspicious places.

Prevent contamination with other viruses transmitted with the protein, you can avoid contact with body fluids:

  1. To be protected during sex with the help of condoms.
  2. Do not use other people's razors, scissors, toothbrushes and other personal care items.
  3. Check the sterility of tools during injections, tattooing, performing manicure and similar manipulations.

Vaccination is a very effective method of prevention, but it helps to prevent infection only with hepatitis A and B.

With regard to nonviral forms of pathology, one can protect oneself from their development in the following way:

  1. Time to treat existing autoimmune diseases.
  2. Abandon the abuse of alcohol, taking drugs, using certain medicines, chemical or plant toxins.
  3. Control the blood sugar and body weight.

Prevention of recurrences of chronic hepatitis

To begin with, it is worth noting that hepatitis A and E do not go into chronic form, unlike other types of inflammatory process.

To prevent exacerbation, adherence to a special diet, as a rule, of Table 5 by Pevzner, as well as lifestyle changes in accordance with the doctor's recommendations, the admission (courses) of hepatoprotective drugs, helps to avoid exacerbation.

Treatment of hepatitis depending on their species and form

Therapy of a described viral origin suggests:

Chronic heavy forms of hepatitis B and C suggest additional antiviral therapy with human interferon and similar drugs. With the development of cirrhosis or cancer against the background of the examined pathologies, liver transplantation is indicated.

Treatment of non-viral varieties of hepatitis is developed by a specialist in accordance with the cause that caused inflammation of the hepatic tissues. Typically, therapy is about the same as in the case of viral origin of the disease.