High low pressure - causes and treatment

In the conditions of the modern pace of life, the violation of blood pressure affects not only the elderly, but also the youth. Stress at work, constant stress, wrong lifestyle - all this can not but affect health. Failure in the work of the cardiovascular system often leads to an increase in blood pressure.

If your blood pressure monitor measures 140/90 or more when measuring blood pressure, then it is already a question of increased indices. And at the same time, not only the upper, but also the lower pressure is increased. If only the lower pressure rises and the difference between the two indices is less than 15 mm Hg, this already indicates a more serious violation, the so-called isolated lower pressure.

Causes of high low blood pressure

Thinking about why the lower pressure is high, you need to understand that the causes affect the entire body as a whole. At a normal upper pressure and an elevated lower one, you need to go through a full examination as quickly as possible.

The cause of very high lower pressure may be a disease of one of the organs or system of organs. Perhaps the disease is still at an early stage, so you still do not feel it. Here is a list of possible diseases leading to an increase in the lower pressure:

Of all the listed diseases, most often patients have a violation of kidney function or hormonal failures. Since the symptomatology in these cases is not clearly expressed at first, you need to pay very careful attention to the arterial pressure in order to seek medical help on time.

In addition, the reasons for increasing the lower pressure may be more commonplace situations, for example, stress, various psycho-emotional disorders, as well as excessive intake of alcohol and stimulants that increase blood pressure.

Another reason for increasing the lower pressure is the fluid retention in the body, which is caused by:

All these unfavorable factors lead to a load on the kidneys, which ultimately invariably disrupts the pressure.

High low blood pressure - causes and treatment

With the causes of high low pressure, we decided, it's time to learn about the methods of its treatment. It is important to understand that you need to seek professional medical help and not engage in self-medication. But for prevention, revise your lifestyle:

  1. Get enough sleep, normalize the regime of the day.
  2. Go in for sports.
  3. Try to eat regularly and correctly.
  4. Limit smoking and alcohol intake.

All these measures will save you from the risk of violation in the heart rate and blood pressure. But if problems are already present, you need to exclude from the diet fried, salty, spicy, fatty foods, replacing them with fruits and vegetables. And sugar, if possible, replace it with honey.

When deciding how to lower high blood pressure, what drugs and tablets to drink, it is important to understand the causes that led to pressure loss. Your doctor must help you with this. Most often, in addition to treating the underlying disease, patients are prescribed hypotensive agents with a diuretic effect, such as:

If these drugs do not help, you need to switch to beta and calcium blockers:

Energy balsams Doppelherz and Bittner. They provide significant support to the heart muscle.

Also known are many folk remedies for normalizing the lower pressure, such as infusions and teas: