Fertilizer "Baikal"

The time when fertilizers for plants could harm our health, long gone. Modern technologies make it possible to abandon traditional growth stimulators and instead use so-called effective microorganisms. Organic fertilizer "Baikal" refers specifically to such a preparation.

Microbiological fertilizer "Baikal"

What is this popular tool? It is a bottle with a liquid in which more than 80 different useful microorganisms have been grown. These organisms also live in the earth, so you will not bring anything superfluous or dangerous to your garden.

Fertilizer "Baikal" does not contain any altered microorganisms. The fact is that Baikal fertilizer includes exceptionally stable associations of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms that coexist peacefully and thereby exchange power sources. This drug has many advantages, which made it one of the most effective to date:

How to use Baikal fertilizer?

For the garden and garden, indoor plants and flower garden concentration and method of using their own. Consider how to apply the Baikal fertilizer for each type of planting.

  1. For the cultivation of seedlings, the agent is diluted in a proportion of 1: 2000. This solution is sprayed with the first shoots, alternating with watering. The use of this fertilizer promotes more rapid growth of seedlings, and after planting it on a permanent place helps to quickly settle down. A more concentrated solution of 1: 100 is used for the treatment of the planting container, which makes it possible to avoid infection.
  2. For the treatment of beds apply a solution in a concentration of 1: 100. In the autumn the site is dug up, the "traditional" fertilizers are introduced. Then it is watered with a solution of Baikal: every square meter has three liters of solution.
  3. Application of the fertilizer "Baikal" is also carried out according to this scheme: as soon as seedlings appeared on the beds, they are treated with a solution of the drug at a concentration of 1: 2000. Then a week later repeat the procedure, but the concentration is already 1: 1000. A more saturated solution is used every three months. The baikal is particularly effective at the stage of budding and ovary.
  4. Fertilizer "Baikal" for indoor plants and flower beds use exactly the same as for vegetable beds. Prepare a solution of 1: 1000 and water the plants every three months, necessarily at the stage of budding.

Fertilizer "Baikal" for protection of plantations

This tool is actively used to protect the garden and the garden. After applying the preparation, the soil and plants are reliably protected from various diseases. The fact is that if you get into your new habitat, the microorganisms that make up the drug begin to change it for yourself and thereby substantially increase the immune properties of both the soil and the plantations themselves.

Before spraying into the solution, you can add infusions of different plants and thereby increase efficiency even more. It can be tinctures of garlic, aloe or red pepper, pharmacy chamomile and plantain will do .