How to store churchkhelu?

Churchehla is an extremely useful and tasty sweet delicacy from stringed nuts and condensed grape or pomegranate juice . The authentic Georgian recipe of the product does not contain granulated sugar and assumes obtaining the most valuable composition for the organism. To realize it, the juice is boiled to a decrease in volume several times, after which it is thickened with cornmeal and covered with the received mass several times with nuts on the string. In the future, the products are dried in the shade for a few weeks until a dense crust is outside and a soft consistency of goodies inside.

Cooked according to the correct recipe, the churchchel can be stored for a long time even under room conditions. It is enough just to place a treat in a paper bag or simply wrap it in a cloth and place it in a dry place.

At present, churchkhela production is put on stream and often the recipe does not quite match the original one. Grape or pomegranate juice diluted with water, sugar, or at all substitute fruit substitutes, at best compote. Drying the product is also not enough, and therefore its storage should be treated more responsibly. Where, how and how much time can the Churchhell keep at home at the present time? We will discuss this in more detail later.

How to store the churchhell at home?

As we have already mentioned above, the real churchchel is absolutely unpretentious to storage conditions, and can be stored as many as you want. But among the broadest range of delicacies, currently represented in the markets to meet with such is almost impossible. The product that is often offered to us by sellers on the market is better to use within a week. Every day, products based on diluted juice or compote, if you hang them in a dry place will become more rigid, and to crack them already without harming your teeth will be problematic.

How to store churchkhelu in the refrigerator?

To keep churchhela soft for a longer time will help the refrigerator. To do this, put the treat in a paper bag and put it on a dry shelf. But even in this case, we recommend using the churchhela for a month, otherwise it can simply mold.

How to keep the churchhell on the road?

Buying churchchel in the southern regions for the purpose of transporting it to the house, try to purchase the most natural product. Too wet (damp) churchchel is hardly suitable for transportation. She can quickly become moldy or fall apart. Ideally, if the outside of the product is already well dried, but inside is still soft. In that case, a couple of days on the road in a paper bag, the churchchel will surely transfer safely.