Cellulose from flax seeds - good and bad

This finished additive can be found in almost any pharmacy, it is inexpensive and, judging by the reviews, it has literally a "magical" effect on the body. But, experts' opinion about the benefits and harms of fiber from flax seeds is not so unambiguous. So let's carefully consider what substances are in this product.

Vegetable fiber from flax seeds for weight loss

Experts argue that, since this product contains non-digestible fibers, it can permanently reduce the feeling of hunger, and therefore prevent overeating, which is the main factor in gaining excess weight. But, this property is both a positive and negative factor. If you exceed the rate of consumption of plant fiber from flax seeds, then you can provoke diarrhea, getting rid of it will not be easy.

The second factor that speaks about the benefits of fiber from flax seeds is that it contains vitamins B , A and PP. They are simply necessary for those who follow a strict diet, because it can provoke the appearance of a deficiency of these substances.

And, finally, fiber from flax seeds is indispensable for weight loss, as it is a "natural absorbent", that is, it removes toxins and harmful substances from the human body naturally. This purification is necessary, because often health problems are connected with the fact that we simply "contaminated" our body.

Thus, this product can relieve a person from constipation, help tame appetite, and also saturate the body with vitamins and essential minerals. Just do not eat more than 15 grams of this product per day and be sure to drink enough liquid (water, green tea, dairy products), and then this additive will only benefit.