Chlorella - useful properties and contraindications

Chlorella refers to freshwater unicellular algae and has long been used in a variety of ways. The ability of these mini plants to actively reproduce oxygen is used to create an air reserve on spacecraft and underwater spoons.

In medicine and cosmetology, the value of chlorella is that in comparison with other plants it contains a significant amount of chlorophyll. From algae produce dry powder (substrate), and also on its basis created a lot of biological food additives.

The Benefits and Harms of Chlorella for Man

Chlorella has long been eaten and this is not surprising, because this tiny alga is among the ten most nutritious foods on our planet. Useful properties of chlorella are due to its diverse biochemical composition. 100 g of this plant contains:

The benefit of chlorella is that it stimulates the production of interferon, which is an antiviral protein and participates in the process of hematopoiesis. In fact, all the funds based on this algae are powerful natural immunomodulators that stimulate the work of all immunity.

This algae contains vitamin B12 , which occurs only in products of animal origin. For this, algae preparations are valued by adherents of vegetarian food.

Chlorophyll in the composition of chlorella has the ability to remove from the body slag, toxic substances, salts of heavy metals. The combination of anti-inflammatory, hematopoietic, fortifying and cleansing properties makes chlorella one of the most useful plants for people with very different health problems.

For all who struggle with excess weight, it is worth noting such detail - the plant contains a large number of proteins, for their processing the body spends a lot of energy. This is called the thermogenic effect, which is used in protein diets .

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of chlorella

Chlorella as a dietary supplement is used in the form of powder or tablets. Summarizing all its properties, we can sum up:

  1. Prevention of hypovitaminosis and lack of minerals.
  2. Improvement of hemopoiesis and blood composition.
  3. Strengthening of the nervous, cardiovascular and immune system.
  4. Normalization of metabolic processes and absorption of fats.
  5. Improvement of intestinal peristalsis and microflora composition.
  6. Stimulation of cell regeneration.
  7. Strengthening of bone tissue.
  8. Favorable effect on the hormonal balance.
  9. Detoxification of the body including after irradiation and chemotherapy.
  10. Anti-aging effect.
  11. Prevention of hypertension and gastrointestinal pathology.

Telling about the benefits of chlorella, you can not fail to mention the possible harm. As a natural product, preparations from this algae are usually easily digested and do not cause side effects. Chlorella-based products should not be taken to people with autoimmune diseases and hypersensitivity to iodine. Chlorella is contraindicated in violation of the exchange of iron (hemochromatosis). When taking anticoagulants, you also need to stop using algae, since it can affect their effects.