Anorexia: treatment

While some are struggling with excess weight and can not bring the balance arrow in the optimal position, others suffer from a lack of body weight, which develops against a background of eating disorders. This condition is called anorexia nervosa and is characterized by the fact that the patient deliberately refuses to eat with the aim of losing weight, not noticing that his weight problems have long moved to another area - from excess to inadequate. This is a "fashionable" disease, stars, patients with anorexia - Angelina Jolie, Lindsay Lohan, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie and many others. It is necessary to take this seriously: the patient needs help with anorexia, as a person, as a rule, can not independently understand his problems of such a plan.

Anorexia: treatment at different stages

In the question of how to treat anorexia, one should rely on the opinion of specialists. This disease has three stages, and if the first is not so bad, then the latter, as a rule, is irreversible.

  1. The dysmorphomanic period is the onset of a disease characterized by a strong discontent with its appearance in the patient due to imaginary completeness. During this period, patients experience anxiety, depressed mood, depression, look for diets and limit themselves to eating.
  2. The anorectic period is the middle stage, which is characterized by a strong decrease in weight due to starvation. The achieved results make the patient happy and force to cut the diet even more, in order to reach full perfection. Often during this period, the skin becomes dry, menstruation disappears and appetite is suppressed.
  3. The cachectic period is the last stage at which the irreversible process of changes in internal organs begins. Weight is reduced even more, the level of potassium in the body is getting closer to dangerous. Often this stage leads to the suppression of the functions of all organs and death.

The earlier this disease is revealed, the more chances to save the patient. In the first stage, anorexia can be treated with folk remedies - for example, a girl is photographed, convinced of her beauty and harmony and gradually leads to the fact that the weight should be monitored only with the help of healthy, proper nutrition. It is important to understand that in this situation a huge role is played by the help and support of relatives, without which a person can not believe in himself and break out of the vicious circle.

Of course, such treatment of anorexia at home is possible only at the beginning of the first stage. If the weight is already much lower than the norm and a person does not want to give up their beliefs, treatment of anorexia in the hospital is necessary. A lot of specialists work with the patients, which are headed by experienced psychotherapists.

How to cure anorexia?

Treatment of anorexia is prescribed on the basis of the damage that the disease has already inflicted on the body. For example, if the body weight has already decreased by 40%, intravenous administration of glucose and nutrients is prescribed. If the patient has a stage of extreme exhaustion, he is placed in a psychiatric clinic.

The complex treatment of anorexia includes various measures aimed at achieving the following goals:

In the course of complex treatment, patients are prescribed a high-calorie diet, psychotherapy sessions, and, of course, measures to eliminate the consequences of excessive exhaustion. With a timely appeal to a specialist to win this disease is obtained in most cases.