How useful are cucumbers?

Many people are wondering what a cucumber is useful for an organism, after all, it would seem, what a vegetable can bring, 95% of which is water. In fact, the cucumber is a deposit of useful substances, they contain not a small amount of B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and also a lot of valuable minerals, in particular, iron, calcium and phosphorus . It also contains glutamic acid, which provides various processes in the neurons of the brain.

Useful substances in cucumbers:

Also cucumbers promote digestion, protect against atherosclerosis, bladder cancer, as well as other various heart, vascular and kidney diseases.

Cucumber at losing weight

In addition to the above, the cucumber is also an indispensable assistant in the fight against excess kilograms. And contributes to his incredibly low caloric content (only 14 kcal / 100 g) and the effect of its trace elements on the body. He releases the intestines from toxins and toxins, normalizes his robot, in general, relieves of problems with digestion and normalizes the entire gastrointestinal tract.

The use of cucumbers for weight loss is unlimited, it will not only quickly save us from hated kilograms, but also improve our health, with no significant financial waste. There are many different diets, the key place is occupied, of course, by cucumbers. The most common is the kefir-cucumber diet, and the diet of Xenia Borodina , you can also use the usual unloading day, during which you only need to eat cucumbers in unlimited quantities. Believe me, the result will not make you wait, and the plumb line for the next day is guaranteed to you.