Cutlet - calorie content

Cutlets are a traditional dish, which is prepared for a festive table, and for daily use. The nutritional value and caloric content of the patties depends, first of all, on the composition of the mince. A variety of minced meat cutlets allows you to prepare a wide range of dishes, both for meat lovers and for convinced vegetarians.

No less important factor in the issues of dietary and healthy nutrition is the method of preparation and the method of heat treatment. The most common cutlets are fried or steamed. In this case, even meatballs cooked from the same stuffing with frying and steaming will have different energy value. Caloric content of steam cutlets will be lower than fried, as well as the fat content.

If you cook chicken minced meatballs with frying, then the caloric content of 100 g of the finished product will be about 250 kcal, and the same chicken cutlet, cooked for a couple, will have about 130 kcal. The calorie content of the fried chop is significantly increased by the use of vegetable or animal fat, while the smalet has the highest fat content and energy value. To that, in the process of frying, extra fat is allocated from minced meat, and biochemical changes occur that increase its caloric value.

Minced meat and calorie cutlets

Consider how many calories in a meatball. Products from pure minced pork have the highest figure - about 460 kcal per 100 g, if mixed in half with ground beef, the calorie content will decrease due to lean meat to 360 kcal.

Poultry and fish cutlets have a lower energy value , cereals and vegetable cutlets are the lowest. For example, a cutlet from a turkey will have a caloric content from 200 to 220 calories when frying and only 140 kcal.

Table of average caloric content of cutlets during frying and steaming

Reduce the caloric content of cutlets when extinguishing with a minimum use of fat, and also by adding minced vegetable and cereal ingredients.