Social typology arose as a result of the intertwining of individual features of the psyche and the structure of society. That is, the social type of personality is the consequence of a person's life in society. The ability of the psyche to develop a social type is created for a person to be able to adapt to society, feel "at ease", be protected and feel secure among the surrounding people.
Basic social types
Of course, socially psychological types of personality can be determined by various criteria. You can determine them from the point of view of the history of mankind, you can determine their dependence on value orientations.
The main social types of personality are modal, basic and ideal. The modal type of personality is the type that is most common in a given society. It is a collection of personality traits that are inherent in the predominant majority of members of society.
The basic type of personality is the type that is most acceptable for a given society. That is, these are the properties of the character that enable their carriers to adapt in the most beneficial way to the conditions of life at the present time.
The ideal personality type is a type outside of time and place. He is not tied to the conditions of society, being a standard. In other words, according to modern people, it is this combination of personal properties that is desirable for all people.
Value orientation
Of course, the attitude to material values has always divided people into subtypes. So, society consists of traditionalists - people of conservative, law-abiding, decent with a pronounced sense of duty. These people are not characterized by individualism, the desire for personal self-realization.
The idealist is a person with a structure and a social type of personality strictly opposite to the previous type. Here, on the contrary, the attitude to traditions and the established order is very critical, there is no devotion to authorities, and the main feature is individualism with a pronounced
A frustrated type of personality unites people with low self-esteem , a settled opinion about their own indecent, and a feeling of their rejection by society.
Realists are the most "healthy" social types, disciplined and striving for the development of the individual. It combines skepticism, a sense of duty, responsibility for self-development and self-improvement within the framework of modern society.
Hedonists - their main goal is to satisfy their needs and enjoy this second. The future of mankind does not take much of this type of people.