European Cyclamen

Cyclamen European or purple is a perennial compact plant with leaves in the form of a heart of green with silvery divorces. However, this does not attract gardeners and flower growers in cyclamen, but small flowers, similar to pink, red, purple or white butterflies, densely hovering over leaves on thin peduncles. And that plants and you are happy with bright buds, you need to know how to care for flowers cyclamen.

Cyclamen care for European

Lighting and air temperature. It is worth mentioning that the European cyclamen should be placed in a well-lit place. But along with this there should not be hot, so we recommend putting the pot on the west or east window. Keep in mind that in the kitchen or the room where people smoke or do not air the cyclamen grows poorly and often does not bloom at all. In the warm season, the optimal room temperature should be 15 degrees, maximum 22 degrees. In winter, when central heating under the pot is recommended to put a wooden bar.

Watering. Cyclamen European needs systematic watering, but not abundant. Excessive moisture is fraught with rotting roots, and eventually the death of the plant. For irrigation it is worthwhile to use standing water, a few degrees below the air temperature. Water the ground along the edge of the pot so that the water does not hit the flower. The next watering is carried out as soon as the earthen cloud dries. Spraying cyclamen European is not necessary.

Top dressing . Mineral fertilizers for flowering plants are introduced twice a month in the warm season. Feeding is not needed during the rest period (October-February).

Reproduction and transplantation of the European cyclamen

Cyclamen transplantation is performed every 2 years in a shallow wide pot. The soil consists of leaf land, sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1. The most effective way to reproduce the cyclamen is by tuber babies when transplanting.