Nadzheludochkovaya extrasystole

Nadzheludochkovoy extrasystole is a violation of the normal heart rhythm. The causes and manifestations of this problem are very diverse. By itself, the disease is not so dangerous, but this is not a reason to neglect it. All due to the fact that supraventricular extrasystole can have very unpleasant consequences.

What is this - a rare supraventricular extrasystole?

Simply put, this is an arrhythmia, accompanied by the appearance of additional cardiac impulses. The latter arise outside the conducting cardiac system - in the atria or atrioventricular septa. Such impulses become the cause of extraordinary inferior cardiac contractions.

Most often supraventricular extrasystole occurs in people who have heart problems. But sometimes specialists have to put this diagnosis and absolutely healthy people.

Causes of supraventricular extrasystole

Factors that contribute to the development of extrasystoles, there are a lot. The result of the impact of these or those of them on the body depends on the general state of human health, its individual characteristics.

The most common causes of supraventricular extrasystoles are considered to be the following:

Symptoms of supraventricular extrasystole

As practice has shown, most often supraventricular extrasystole is manifested by such symptoms:

Many patients complain that during seizures they feel that the heart is turning in the chest.

Diagnosis and treatment of supraventricular extrasystole

To make the diagnosis correctly, it is very desirable to undergo a comprehensive examination. Consultation with a specialist should include general examination, palpation of the pulse, percussion of the heart. During the examination, urine and blood tests are mandatory.

It is possible to notice frequent supraventricular extrasystoles on ECG, as well as during echocardiography. These studies allow you to notice the slightest changes that characterize different types of extrasystole.

The choice of method of treatment largely depends on the stage and form of the disease. If the patient does not have concomitant problems with the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, it is enough just to follow the general instructions of the specialist, rest more, spend time outdoors and try not to overexert himself.

In some cases, special drugs may be needed to treat supraventricular extrasystole. Most often, doctors seek help from:

Practically always conservative methods of treatment give positive results. If they are powerless, one must resort to surgery:

The surgical method of treatment is preferable for young patients.