Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Such a phenomenon as spotting with a seemingly normal pregnancy, makes all expectant mothers who suddenly notice such a thing fall into a panic. It should be noted that there may be a lot of reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge during the current pregnancy. At the same time an important role in the diagnosis process is played by such facts as the period of appearance of bloody discharge, their volume and duration. Let's take a closer look at this situation and try to figure out whether there may be bloody discharge during pregnancy.

When the discharge of bloody character during the gestation of the baby - the norm?

It should be noted immediately that in most cases, the causes of the appearance of bloody discharge during pregnancy are pathological disorders. However, it must also be said that, at small times, this kind of phenomenon can be the norm.

So, bloody discharge in early pregnancy can be observed in those cases when there is a so-called early ovulation, resulting in a menstrual cycle can be reduced to 20-21 days.

Also it is necessary to say that small bloody discharge at short periods can take place at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine endometrium, which usually occurs on the 7-9 day of the cycle. However, in such situations, quite often the future mother also has no idea about her interesting situation and takes the allocation for a month.

When the appearance of bloody discharge in pregnant women is cause for concern?

In most cases, the appearance of blood from the vagina at a time when pregnancy is occurring, indicates the development of the disorder. The most frequent of these is the development of the threat of abortion or spontaneous abortion. A similar complication of pregnancy is observed at its smallest time - 8-12 weeks and is associated, first of all, with a violation of the process of implantation of a fertilized egg.

If we talk about spotting during pregnancy at its late stages, or even at the very end, then most of the reason for this is the premature detachment of the placenta. It can happen for various reasons. In such cases, after a certain time, the volume of blood produced does not decrease, and eventually turns into uterine bleeding. The success of therapeutic measures in such a violation depends entirely on the timely start of treatment. Therefore, it is best, even with the appearance of a small amount of blood from the vagina during pregnancy, regardless of its term, to inform the doctor about it.

In what other cases are possible spotting during pregnancy?

Having told about the most common violations that lead to the appearance of blood from the vagina at different periods of bearing the baby, it is necessary to say that discharge with blood can often be observed as a result of making love, for example. Since spotting after sex during pregnancy, can talk about partial detachment of the placenta. This phenomenon is the result of excessive overstrain of the muscles of the uterus, in other words, the detachment occurs as a result of increased uterine tone. This fact can lead to the onset of a generic process. Therefore, spouses need to be extremely cautious and try to refrain from intimacy, especially on a long term.

The appearance of minor bleeding at the 40th week of pregnancy can be associated with an early onset of the birth process. If this phenomenon is pathological in nature, then doctors resort to stimulation of the generic process.