Sexual life during pregnancy

During pregnancy, future parents strive to protect their unborn baby from harmful effects of negative factors. In particular, some couples in love decide to give up intimate relationships, so as not to cause harm to the child.

Meanwhile, the waiting period for the baby is not an excuse to give up the usual pleasures and pleasures. In this article, we will try to find out whether it is possible to live a sexual life during pregnancy, and whether the intimate relations of future parents can harm the unborn baby.

Is it possible to lead a sexual life during pregnancy?

In fact, sex life during pregnancy is not something forbidden. The fact that future parents continue to make love, despite the presence of an embryo in the womb, is nothing wrong. Moreover, spermatozoa entering the body of a future mother during sex are a high-protein nutritious and building material necessary for the development of the fetus.

That is why most doctors recommend that spouses continue intimate relationships during the entire pregnancy, but only on the condition that the woman does not have a threat of interruption. Otherwise, having sex, especially intense ones, can have a very negative impact on the state of the unborn child and cause deplorable consequences, such as miscarriage or premature birth.

In the absence of contraindications, the sex life in the early stages of pregnancy is absolutely no different from the intimate partner relations before the onset of conception. On the contrary, spouses during this period can relax and get the joy of communicating with each other without worrying about the need for contraception.

With the further development of pregnancy and the growth of the abdomen in the sexual relations of future parents, there are some limitations. This does not mean that the couple will have to give up intimate contacts, however, some changes in the organization of sexual life should be made, preferring postures when the man is behind.

Finally, 2-3 weeks before the proposed delivery, doctors recommend for a while to abstain from sexual activity. During this period, the head of the unborn child is very close to the exit from the cervix, so careless movements can harm it. In addition, at this time is very likely to provoke premature birth, so mom and dad should wait a little.