Sanorin in Pregnancy

Many pregnant women encounter during the "waiting for a miracle" with a problem such as nasal congestion. It is not always caused by colds or infections, but is the result of hormonal changes in the body. And, of course, when there is nothing to breathe, the question arises of the use of vasoconstrictive drugs. One of the often prescribed remedies is sanorin. About whether you can apply it to pregnant women, we will tell in our article.

Is it possible for pregnant women to have sanorin?

The drug is available for children and adults. Drugs differ in the concentration of the solution. Children aged 2 to 15 give exclusively children's sanorin. The concentration of the active substance in it is 0.05%. Adult sanorin is prescribed starting from the age of 15.

Use sanorin should be extremely accurate and only on the advice of a doctor. Unfortunately, no studies on the effects of sanorin on the fetus have been conducted, and at the same time, in the instructions to the drug, you will not find any contraindications to its administration in this case. So, ultimately, taking sanorin or not, it will be your decision.

Sanorin: composition and indications for use

The active substance of sanorin is naphasolin nitrate.

The drug is prescribed for rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. One of the forms of release of sanorin is used for conjunctivitis caused by allergies.

Forms of release of sanorin

The drug Sanorin has several forms of release:

Application of sanorin in pregnancy

Sanorin dosage:

The interval between use should be at least 4 hours.

When applying the drug, make sure that it does not enter the gastrointestinal tract. And many doctors recommend simply lubricating the nasal passages with sanorin to relieve swelling.

The timing of application of sanorin is limited, since the drug is addictive. The duration of application of sanorin is 7 days. If relief comes earlier than the specified time, the drug is withdrawn. At the discretion of a specialist, after a break, the intake of sanorin can be resumed.

The use of sanorin for a period longer than the recommended one is fraught with edema of the nasal mucosa followed by atrophy of the tissues of the nasal cavity.

Sanorin: interaction with other drugs

Before using sanorin, be sure to inform your doctor about taking other medications. Interacting with a number of drugs, for example, inhibitors or antidepressants, sanorin causes a reaction in the form of a violation of the rhythm of the heart.

Sanorin: contraindications

Sanorin should not be taken to people suffering from diabetes and children with an enlarged thyroid gland. Also, sanorin is not used as a medicine if there is an allergic reaction to one of the components that make up its composition.

Sanorin: an overdose

At recommended doses, sanorin does not cause adverse reactions and is well tolerated. In case of an overdose, local reactions are most often noted in the form of burning, dryness and irritation of the mucosa.

Slightly less frequent reactions are possible, such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, heart rhythm disturbance.

It should be said that the use of sanorin should be an extreme measure, when nasal congestion significantly worsens the condition of a woman. And doctors appoint it only in the case when the benefit from its use significantly exceeds the risk of harm to the future child.