Fitball for pregnant women

Thanks to the invention of the Swiss fitball, pregnant women around the world can now effectively train the flexibility of muscles, without any force. Caught in the fly the idea that bearing a child, you need to wear yourself like a crystal vase and spend most of the day in bed. Due to the fact that future mothers began to lead an active lifestyle during this difficult period and included gymnastics on the fitball for pregnant women, the duration and pain of the period of labor decreased. Restoration of the maternity organism also goes faster, if and after the birth of the baby does not push this miracle ball into the far corner.

Where to buy fitness ball for pregnant women?

To buy this ball it is necessary to take with all responsibility, after having acquired a substandard counterfeit, there is a risk that it will not be able to withstand the load, one day it will burst under you, and this can lead to trauma of the tailbone, or worse to the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Cheap fitballs in the markets, only outwardly identical to quality, but they are made according to the usual technology and can burst at one time. The correct fitball can withstand a load of up to 300 kilograms and, if damaged, is deflated rather than bursting like its Chinese counterpart. Because of the purchase, go to the sports equipment store, where the goods are certified and have a guarantee.

How to pick a ball fitball for pregnant women?

If your height does not exceed 152 cm, then the diameter of the ball should not be more than 45 cm. With growth up to 175 cm, the size you need is 65 cm. But for tall ladies, the ball can be 75 cm.

By color, of course, every woman chooses the kind she likes - bright colors make you active and improve your mood. If you are lost, then ask the consultant how to choose a fitball for pregnant women. You can be advised with balls with a rough surface, in order to prevent slipping, or it can be divided in half - half smooth, the other rough. But basically, there are common with a ribbed rubber surface.

Pregnancy Fitbole Training

You can use a gym ball in various ways - just sit on it, using instead of an armchair or a computer chair, relieve muscle tension, by relaxing and relaxing, or doing fitness on the fitball for pregnant women. It is enough to master a few simple exercises to keep your body toned throughout the pregnancy.

Classes can begin from the second trimester , when the threat of miscarriage passes, and if there are no contraindications. In addition to gymnastics techniques , you can now begin training the movements that will be useful during childbirth. After all, every maternity hospital now practices the use of fitball mothers, most of whom very positively respond about it.

A complex of simple exercises on fitbole for pregnant women.

  1. Sitting on a ball with widely divergent legs to swing from side to side or back and forth - such movements relieve the load from the waist, relieving the pain in the back. There is a strengthening of the pelvic muscles, and if you add Kegel exercises, you will get an excellent result.
  2. After you learn how to maintain balance well, you can add stretching exercises - sitting on the ball to drag in turn to the right and left feet. You can make turns of the trunk, putting your hands on your belt or your head.
  3. Stand on all fours and lay down on the ball with your chest, hugging him with your hands. The loins should be relaxed as much as possible, it will relieve the pain.
  4. Sitting on the floor, place the fitball between the legs and knees, squeeze it as hard as possible, fixing for 5 seconds. This is a very good exercise for the muscles of the perineum and the inner side of the thigh.

While practicing on the fitball for pregnant women, do not forget about safety techniques. Go down on it slowly with widely spaced legs, pushing back the hand for the stop. When you are just learning the ball, ask to hedge your loved ones or hold on to the back of the chair.