Furazolidone for cystitis

Furazolidon is an antibacterial drug of a wide spectrum. In urology, the drug Furazolidon has found its application in the treatment of cystitis . The effect of these pills is demonstrated in the fight against inflammation of the bladder caused by trichomonas infection. The active substance of Furazolidone tablets in the treatment of cystitis of trichomonas etiology disrupts the reproductive capacity of pathogens, destroying their enzyme system.

How to take furazolidone with cystitis?

Furazolidone with cystitis in addition to antimicrobial action gives a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, removing unpleasant symptoms of inflammation of the bladder after the first receptions.

Tablets are taken after meals, washed down with a glass of clean water. Dosage of Furazolidonum with cystitis is 2 pills three times a day or, if necessary, one reception per day more, but not more than 16 pieces per day and 4 - once to avoid overdose. The standard course of taking medication is 3 days, but the doctor can prolong it on individual indications.

After discontinuing the drug, the treatment regimen continues using local drugs ( vaginal suppositories with metronidazole), uroseptic drugs orally for two more weeks. It is extremely important to continue therapy with medicines and folk remedies that provide antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects that have a diuretic effect. Such treatment helps the bladder wash out the causative agents of the cystitis from its cavity and prevent it from becoming attached to the mucosa of new parasites.

Side effects and contraindications

Tablets from cystitis Furazolidon are, for all its effectiveness, practically harmless and non-toxic. They rarely cause "pobochki." As an individual reaction, dyspepsia (bloating, vomiting, diarrhea), as well as allergy to the drug components (hives, generalized laryngeal edema) are not excluded.

Treatment of cystitis Furazolidone has its contraindications. In particular, the reception of these pills should be discarded, if there are lesions of the kidneys and liver, intolerance to the drug. Do not prescribe the drug Furazolidone to infants and to persons who are behind the wheel and are dealing with hazardous working conditions.