Symptoms of menopause in women

In the life of every woman there comes a period when the biological clock slows down its course, and the most important female function - the ability to conceive and give birth to a child - begins to decline. Over time, it disappears altogether. There comes hormonal changes in the body - menopause. How to recognize his arrival? What are the signs of menopause? This will be discussed in our today's article.

Climax: signs

Menopause or menopause does not come suddenly. There are a number of symptoms that appear gradually at some time intervals. The first signs of menopause in women, as a rule, manifest themselves at the age of 46 to 50 years. A smooth transition from a decrease in the genital function of the female body to old age can last about 20 years. The extinction of the ovaries' performance is indicated by a decrease in the level of "female" hormones, and this can not but affect the general state of the whole organism. So, the first signs of menopause:

Gradually, the hormonal function of the ovaries is reduced to such an extent that estrogen completely ceases to be produced. Then there is a complete cessation of menstruation. It is important to remember that the first signs of the onset of menopause - the irregularity of menstruation - are expressed not only by the absence of menstruation. Changing the duration of the cycle also indicates changes in ovulation. Reduction of ovulatory periods, as well as their amounts per year, indicate the imminent arrival of menopause.

Signs of early menopause in women

It also happens: due to chronic diseases of female genital organs, other hormonal disorders, aggressive exposure to external factors (irradiation, chemotherapy) or similar heredity, the early extinction of the childbearing function occurs. In such cases, the symptoms of the onset of menopause are observed in women aged before the normal age at the onset of menopause. Sometimes the early menopause can occur even in 20 years - a period when the sexual function is still at the stage of development.

Symptoms of early menopause is the absence of menstruation throughout the year. Changing monthly cycles is accompanied by a general deterioration of well-being. Mood swings, sleep disturbances and dramatic aging of the body are alarming symptoms. A timely call to a doctor will help to minimize the signs of an upcoming menopause. The intake of hormonal drugs, vitamins, an active way of life significantly slows the process of early menopause.

Other signs of menopause

In addition to the main factors signaling the arrival of menopause, there are a number of other signs of menopause associated with insufficient production of estrogen:

Most often, these signs are all the more pronounced, the longer the restructuring of the female body takes place. By the way, from the first signs of the onset of menopause to the complete cessation of menstruation can pass from one to six years. All this time, medical supervision of specialists of various fields is necessary: ​​gynecologist, urologist, endocrinologist, mammologist, orthopedist, cardiologist, rheumatologist.